Sunday 17 November 2013

Ten top tips to hire the perfect wedding dj

<p>Booking the right DJ for weddings is key in making sure your day ends on a high with all your family and friends celebrating with you on the dance floor. To help you make sure you get it right here are ten top tips from one of our best DJs. Rory Gleeson has been a wedding DJ for nearly 10 years and has played at over 400 weddings.</p>

<p>1. Choose a full time DJ</p>
<p>Always try and find out if your DJ is full time and is not a plumber during the week that does a bit of DJing at the weekend. You probably wouldn't choose a part time photographer or caterer. Choosing a full time DJ will ensure professionalism, experience and invariably ensure that he/she understands the importance of involving and interacting with your guests.</p>
<p>2. Budget</p>
<p>Like all wedding bands for hire, choosing the cheapest DJ is not a good idea. As with most things, you get what you pay for and this is certainly the case with DJs. A professional, experienced wedding DJ will not play for less than 350.00.</p>
<p>3. Testimonials</p>
<p>A professional DJ should be able to provide up to date testimonials to prove they are consistently doing a great job and that they are working regularly. Also make sure the previous clients/agencies are available to back up there testimonial.</p>
<p>4. Playing Times</p>
<p>As a guide it is generally best to have your DJ play for a maximum of 3/4 hours. Have background music playing for a while beforehand and try not to have your first dance too early. A good guide time is be 8.30pm followed by the party music straight afterwards until 12/1am. Always give you guests a good chance to relax after the long meal and speeches before rushing into the evening event.</p>
<p>5. Playlist</p>
<p>When preparing your playlist for the DJ choose between 15 &amp; 30 songs, any more than that and he/she will find it difficult to create a good mix. Explain what styles you like and do not like and also what songs you definitely do not want played. Don't go overboard with obscure/heavy songs that you may like but won't necessarily get the party going. A decent mix of old and new goes down well and played by the right DJ would be blended seamlessly.</p>

<p>6. Meeting</p>
<p>Although it will cost a little bit more, a meeting prior to the big day is always recommended with the DJ. You can make sure you are happy with their appearance, personality etc. I would always recommended meeting at the venue itself if possible so you can iron out any problems with the room/load in etc beforehand. If budget is tight a phone call to go through everything is a good second option.</p>
<p>7. Music Mix</p>
<p>Don't be afraid to ask the DJ to prepare you a mix of say 10 of your favourite tunes beforehand, most professional DJ's should have the capability of producing these mix cd's and it will give you a good impression of his mixing ability.</p>
<p>8. Equipment</p>
<p>Check out the DJ's sound system and lighting system before you book. They should be able to provide photographs of their set up. Ask how loud the sound system is and if it will be powerful enough for your room/venue. Also enquire about the lighting they have, a decent wedding lighting rig would consist of 4 to 6 lights on a T'bar, anything more than this could end up annoying your guests, the lighting should be pointing onto the dance floor only not illuminating the whole room.</p>
<p>9. Safety Certificates/Insurance</p>
<p>Make sure your DJ has P.A.T testing stickers and certificates for all of his electrical equipment. This will ensure he looks after his kit and that it won't blow up during your first dance. Also, any DJ worth his salt should have full public liability insurance up to 2 million.</p>
<p>10. Be Fussy, it's your big day!!!</p>
<p>And the end of the day you are paying good money for a professional band for weddings so make sure he knows exactly what not to play as well as what you like. Have a long conversation with him about all aspects of the night, if you can't get hold of him or he doesn't return your calls then he probably isn't worth booking. This is one of the most important days of your life and you need to make sure it ends on a high with all your family and friends celebrating with you on the dance floor.</p>
<p>These lists are compiled from both personal experience and the excellent request lists given to us consistently over the years. Helping us to discover new and rediscover classic music that moves the dance floor week in, week out at some of the finest events across the UK.</p><br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Saturday 16 November 2013

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Get a Healthier Life

From the psychological techniques of motivation, we have figured out, and you can go to practice. At this time, mainly women, because men more appropriate advice from Oleg Taktarov.

<br /><br />1. Shock therapy. Undress naked, turn on bright overhead light in the worst fitting, stand in front of full-length mirror and scrutinize his or her entire face and body for ten minutes. If you're reading materials, it is easy to install between your flawed and way of life: from facial wrinkles to posture. And during those ten minutes you'll understand - you want to look how you got here, and what you want to achieve for the year.<br />NB: True, some so upset that they were going to buy is not a gym, a triple chocolate cake with chocolate glaze.<br /><br />2. Leave the sports best. I was too lazy every time to collect things for the room, and then analyze the bag in the bathroom, and I bought a new set of makeup - but better than at home. Hair and skin do not like bleach, so the banks for the pool - from the special, "professional" lines. Deodorant - more expensive, as a cream, and odorless. Body Cream - from the line of my favorite perfume.<br />In t
he shower sports club is usually more relaxed than in the bathroom, so visit there for me to associate with going to the SPA. That's where you can take advantage of scrub, do not stick to wet booty shower curtains and not touching the wall with his elbows. Make a mask for the hair, while sitting in a sauna. And even shaved his legs, without haste, because under the door of a crowd two more willing to take a shower. Of course, the delicate procedure is best done, if your club showers shared showers are closed or deserted.<br /><br />3. Fashion - the healthiest motivation for losing weight. It seems that it said Karl Lagerfeld. Kate Moss says that "nothing tastes better than feeling thin." Well, listen to it is not necessary - an index of body mass have long gone beyond the lower limit of normal.<br />But I listen to (my BMI is okay): If you are dissatisfied with their appearance and want to spend the entire next paycheck on to become a beautiful, invest in their health and ap
pearance, but not in the clothes and accessories. In healthy flexible bodies, even things from inexpensive stores look much better than luxurious cashmere and silk outfits on deliquescent wives of chairmen. On duty, I worked with those and others.<br />Just do not get carried away staring at glossy magazines with models - learn to be interested in fashion away from malnourished bodies.<br /><br />4. Create your own reputation. Your healthy lifestyle - this is a flawless line to the resume, and label. Once I worked for a company, lump-sum award of $ 200 to all the staff who managed to quit smoking. And deduct the money from your paycheck every time they were seen around with a cigarette. Pathetic - managers, hiding in the butt sleeve, faced with the chief and his wife in the mall on weekends.<br />I've recently tried to order a cheeseburger in the American diner, and my friends got their communicators and promised to remove all the video and made public with the headline "col
umnist and 1500 kcal. We had a salad. But I liked it.<br /><br />5. Promise yourself that you just get to the Hall. Your laziness is composed of two elements: laziness actually engaged (share this reluctance - twenty per cent, muscular joy remembered better than whining) and lazy to get to the room (my personal statistics, rainy weekend morning, its share amounts to three hundred percent).
So sometimes I promise myself that by simply entering. I take a laptop - in a cafe in the hall there is Wi-Fi - or a book, come, ordering tea, put the bag next to the form, check your mail ... and then pass me the girl is flushed in the form of dance, and I decide well, just look, check out Who's there today is a lesson. Or relax in the sauna. And then doing three hours and force myself to get out of the pool. And every time I can not believe it worked again.<br /><br />6. Only 10 minutes. You've heard it a million times already, but tell me, you have a general list of things you can do for yourself and your health for ten minutes? I have, I have already written, for example here. Take you 10 minutes to to figure out what to do in 10 minutes. You probably have a timer on the phone.<br /><br />7. Determine the location for his hobby. A standard problem for many women (men with this easier): fixation in a spiral of "home, work, home, dinner - no interests, no hobbies, no indivi
dual's own life outside of relationships and careers. If you also feel sick from the traditional women's activities - knitting, embroidery, cooking soap - like me, or if they have become boring to you, invest in health.<br />There's always something to do - depending on what you need from hobbies. Communication? Group exercises. "Unloading brain? Strength training. Loneliness? Swimming. Creation? Healthy eating and growing rosemary. Fine motor skills and concentration? Yoga.<br /><br />8. Do not hide from people. Permanently appoint a special event - a photo session with the familiar (the more provocative the better) management conferences at work, participation in round tables (if your profession requires at least some publicity, they will be easy to arrange). The main thing is that the activities were not one-off - otherwise the temptation to sit on a strict diet and harmful, to lose weight by 5 kg to the event and then collect them again, plus a couple more.<br /><br />9.
Ritualiziruyte process. Do you have a nice ritual to you? Morning coffee, a magazine, a certain window table in the cafe? Think about why they're so excited. Good view? Pleasant smell? Heat and you might think? Enter these elements in your sport ritual.<br />And - I never get tired of trying to convince you that it is useful and important - please create diaries training and nutrition. We now have, and "analog" for those who like to write by hand, turning the pages and draw notes in the margins. If you do not want to print, get ready - they can be found in major bookstores.<br />See "motivational" video and listen to music. I have a collection of commercials that look, I immediately launches into the hall for a wet T-shirt and sturdy hips. Sports brands are doing an ad that you can raise a howl of delight and envy. A clip Beyonce and Shakira?<br /><br />10. Sports magazines and music labels regularly make the best music playlists for the sport. In my player is a DJ set of s
ongs, selected by a bat, which is optimally suited for jogs at a speed of 11 km / hr. There are galleries for belly dancing, yoga, impact strength training. For a quick walk on the treadmill is perfect music with the world's Fashion Week.<br />And you should have a song that opens the second breath. Music that you want to include, as a red button when you are literally valites treadmill. Which can cause you to rise from the dead. Everyone has such.<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Friday 15 November 2013

Top 8 Harsh Truths that Improve Your Life

<p>They say life is what we make of it. By the end of this post, I hope to have helped you decide whether that statement is true or not. There is no doubt that life has its ups and downs. However, how we deal with them can sometimes make all the difference. Some of these lessons may be old-hat for you. If so, look for ways to refine the idea to ensure your getting the most out of it. On the other hand, you may completely disagree with an idea or two and that's great! Let us know your thoughts so we can all learn from each other.</p>

<p><strong>1. Friends Come and Go<br /></strong>When I was in high school, I always imagined spending most of my life with the same people. Then when I realized I had to move to college, that all changed. Once again, I made some close college friends but left them all behind when I moved from the UK to South Africa.<br />Friends will always come and go in your life; even though I'm back in the UK now, all my friends are in university around the country and not exactly in meeting distance. It can be a hard thing to accept, but many of the friends you spend time with now, might not be around in the next few years.<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with. If you don't have many friends, don't stress, there are literally billions of friendship possibilities.</strong></p>
<p><strong>2. You Won't Always Get What You Want</strong><br />I remember one Christmas when the only thing I had asked for was some second hand turntables for DJ'ing. I didn't ask for anything else so I was pretty sure I would get them. However, they didn't come and I ended up having to save for 10 months on my own in order to purchase them. <br />You won't always get what you want in life: people are going to be late, people will let you down, items you want won't always be available(<strong>Dell xps m1530 battery</strong>).<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> Don't look for happiness in material possessions and if things don't go your way, learn to accept them. Life's too short to stay miserable.</strong></p>
<p><strong>3. Many People Will Love You, but Many Will Not</strong><br />Whether you are a celebrity, a charity worker or just a normal guy, there are going to be people that love you and what you do, but there's also going to be plenty people that don't like you. There are many possible reasons such as jealousy, similarities to them, or just not being someone's 'type'.<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> Not everyone is always going to like you, and that's fine. If people want to spend time talking about you then that is their problem. You are perfect as you are. You shouldn't need everyone to like you to have some form of self-esteem.</strong></p>
<p><strong>4. Nobody Can Transform Your Life Like You Can</strong><br />Wouldn't it be lovely if we didn't have to go up on stage, but we could just read a paragraph of a blog post and become a perfect public speaker? Or, wouldn't it be nice if our friends could do daring things, and we would benefit from them as well?<br />The support and help of others can only take you so far, you're going to have to do your own thing to make big changes in your life situation.<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> Do things for yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet. People you rely on won't be around forever, and you don't want to have to use others as a crutch to get anywhere in life.</strong></p>
<strong>5. You Are Going to Fail</strong><br />I built more than 7 websites before I created one that actually started making me any money. I even put hundreds of hours into my own company that I actually closed down last month. Whether it is exams, projects, companies, or even the odd pub quiz, there are times when you will fail to meet your goals(<strong>Dell latitude d630 Battery</strong>).<br />As the saying goes - "Only those who are asleep make no mistakes".<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> You can learn a lot from others, but it is your own failures that are going to teach you the most valuable lessons in life. Learn from your failures, embrace them, and use them to drive you on to success.</strong>

<p><strong>6. Rain Will Sometimes Cancel Play</strong><br />On some occasions when you have your shorts on and you're ready for the beach, it's going to rain. Or, when you get to that first hole and you're ready to tee off - the clouds will open. Things aren't always going to go how you would like them to.<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> Don't stress about the things that you can't control. Learn to live with things that happen. You can't change the past, but you can change how you react to things.</strong></p>
<p><strong>7. There May Be No Tomorrow</strong><br />At least, not for you anyway. We never know what is around the corner, a car crash, a heart attack; heck...even the end of the world is possible. Let's face it, although we would all like to live till we are 70 years old, that's certainly not always the case. There will be one day that is our last(<strong>Sony vgp-bps2a battery</strong>).<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> Make the most of each day. Make sure the people you care about actually know it, don't worry about little matters, just make sure you spend time doing the things you love.</strong></p>
<p><strong>8. Someone Else Will Always Have More</strong><br />Whether it is money, partners, friends or even blog subscribers, there will always be areas where other people have more than you. That isn't to say you can't become abundant in whatever you want (i.e. someone always had more money than Warren Buffett until 2008 when he was noted to be the richest man in the world).The wanting of more actually holds a very important lesson...<br /><strong><em>Important Lesson:</em> Just because someone has 'more', that doesn't mean they are happy. Read the biography of any celebrity and they will tell you they enjoy their process of earning money, rather than what money can do to make them happy. In other words, focus on what you love, not what the thing you love can get you.</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Live life for the moment</em></strong></p>
<p><strong><em>Accept what is, even if things don't go your way</em></strong></p>
<p><strong><em>Happiness is here, right now if you stop resisting and start accepting</em></strong></p><br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software