Friday 26 April 2013

Juggle with Some of the Most Exciting Jobs - Careers - Career Management

<p>Is it pretty often in the day when you wonder that your job hadn't been as boring as it is? You just hate sitting blandly before the computer, dealing with scores of dry, uninteresting data and making a living out of it. Do you dream of being that DJ on the music floor, or the ramp queen, a mountaineer, or even a football player with thousands of fans cheering you on? For all of you who are looking for a career that is exciting as the adrenalin rush felt on celluloid while watching a thrilling movie, there are lots of options. However, what you need to keep in mind is that there is a lot of determination and perseverance that goes into the making of an exciting career.</p>

<p>You might want to be a photographer with National Geographic. Remember, other than having the necessary degrees and aptitude for excelling in photography, you should be willing to participate in the event that you would be required to handle. For instance, you may have to go to remote locations and shoot volcanoes or withstand the intense cold of the Arctic regions. For one, you could be a food critic and it would really help if you are a total foodie. The basic idea is that they'll pay you for eating! Yes, what can be more appealing? For the purpose, you need to build a culinary vocabulary and an in depth understanding about food nutrition.</p>

<p>You Could be a Music Teacher</p>

<p>If you are musically inclined, you could make a great career out of your penchant for music by being a music teacher. Make sure you know everything there is about your specialty or instrument. For this you need to study song recording, music theory and everything about song writing, production, recording, and composition and even purchase equipment for composing music such as sound modules, a keyboard, synthesizers, drums, other machines and samplers. You can even meet up with your friends and associates who are engaged in the job of doing what they prefer to do. They could be a good point of reference regarding how to proceed with getting a job that you like. You can even be a session musician and tour with some of the biggest names of the industry.</p>

<p>Other than making some decent money out of session touring, music teachers can also use the sound recording equipment for producing jingles for different clients. Getting in touch with someone in the same music jobs as you would like is a good way of picking up the dynamics of the profession. It helps give you practical knowledge about the field and a chance to learn things first hand. That being done, you should focus on marketing and networking to create a list of potential clients who favor your work. Form viable connections and make it a point to make yourself marketable. Those who are still in school can join a band or get together with a friend who plays to get noticed.</p>

<p>Would you rather be Into Films?</p>

<p>Those who look forward to a career in acting or films should have good knowledge about the field they are about to enter. Good instructions can make a big difference once you are about to set out. You can get a job in the film industry with the help of the Actor's Studio, American Federation of Television and Radio artists and the Screen Actor's Guild. These organizations conduct useful classes and workshops to help hone the actor in you. What you need is a professional rsum and a multipurpose cover letter for modifying the special jobs that you have in acting. Create a portfolio that has unique headshots and impressing photographs because the quality of the pictures will help you secure auditions. This means you need the help of a professional photographer.</p>

<p>Your cover letter, photographs and rsums are all business cards in the film jobs. They can make or break your career. One of the important details of your business plan would be to get an agent of your own. The role of the agent will be to get you high paying acting jobs which you are qualified for doing. The agent also gets a commission in the process. If you don't get a role, they don't make money either. Engaging in a career as an actor is exciting as you get to slip into various garbs and play people you always wanted to be, such as historical figures, political personas or even mythological personalities.</p>

<p>Do you have the Gift of the Gab?</p>

<p>If you are a smooth talker, the field of marketing is open for you. Have you completed final year at the university? Well, then it is time to launch on a career. Remember, you should stay ahead of the rat race, and this is why you should try doing something that is different. For example, it is tough to enter the domain of marketing after university, but if you follow the right approach, things are as easy as cakewalk. Right training will throw up the right vacancy. It is a highly appealing field to a lot of graduates incorporating responsibilities of advertising, planning, brand promotion, product development, public relations, research and sponsorship.</p>

<p>What you need for the marketing jobs is a degree in business management or marketing. After graduation, make sure to utilize your time gathering experience and honing the skills that are required of a good marketing manager. You can work as a trainee in a soft drink company or for the Times Educational Supplement to gather the necessary experience. There are campus brand managers who will help push their brands into the limelight. Even though they lack the glamor of film jobs or music jobs, these marketing openings are valuable for the students who prefer entering the marketing world after graduation. Other than giving you experience, the job profile of campus brand managers are high paying as well requiring a few hours of work every week.</p>

<p>With so many exciting job options to choose from, gear up for a stirring career in the field of your choice to get rewarding results.</p>


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