Wednesday 8 February 2012

Learn how to DJ - Entertainment - Music

<p>The first and most foremost decision you need to make is " do you like music"? Of course everyone does, sounds silly, but do you REALLY like music, and not just your own preference - can you listen to rock, house, alternative, rap, 60's etc. You may not need to love other types, but you have to appreciate music!</p>

<p>Becoming a DJ can be a long process but also expensive. The rewards of succeeding will be worth it, but it will take hard work, lots of practice and strange hours!</p>

<p>To get started with your new DJ'ing career you will require access to audio equipment, preferably your own. When we started, I hijacked my dads stereo system and got my hands on a DJ mixer. Maybe its not a great idea since I destroyed it and took a whole world of trouble! The truth though is it was got us started. So to get off the ground you will need a decent DJ mixer, a power amplifier and speakers to match the amplifier. I do not suggest that you spend your only money on the only system you can afford as it won't be long before you are looking at a new system. You need decent systems! People do not like distorted or top heavy sound, it will ruin your reputation before you even get going. You will also need a media source, if using CD's/MP3 then dual pitch control players, you can also get hard drive type players, PC etc. There's generally a lot more control from vinyl or CD though and it still the preferred. For vinyl, maybe a couple SL1200 technic turntables, but they
don't come cheap! At the very least the turntables must have pitch (speed) control. Concentrate on decent sound before you invest in lights, sound will get you further than lights! If you really are not sure what sound to get, get help with experienced people. We have contact information on our web that can assist with your selections</p>

<p>What type of DJ are you going to become? Again, sounds obvious... "A DJ"! It's not really just that simple, mobile DJ's music selection will be very different to club DJ selection of music. If you ONLY have RAP in your music collection, you will have to broaden you music base in order to do mobile DJ'ing. I thinks its fair to say in terms of music, you will learn the most as a mobile DJ and gain experience with everything from 60's music to latest charts house/rap/modern etc. If your music collection is a set type of music only, you may have to consider club immediately but the reality is not many clubs will let you onto there decks without some experience to show! A mobile rig will teach you music why? - Consider the music you will be playing at a 50 year birthday party versus an 18th birthday party. They are going to be completely different styles of music in general, more rock n' roll at the one and latest charts at the other... but you never what is going to make peopl
e tick at the party, that's what makes it so interesting. When everyone goes home before you, you stuffed up! When you have to close and most of the people are still on the dance floor... you feel good because you are!</p>

<p>You need to learn to mix! Generally a good start is when mixing between 2 songs, do not try to drag the mix out for a minute, make it fairly quick smooth 5 - 15 seconds or so. Don't have both songs playing at full level at all when learning, if its wrong it sounds awful! Practice the long beat for beat mixes at home first. You will need to learn to count music in 8's, every beat count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...start again. Practice, practice, practice makes perfect with DJ mixing.</p>

<p>Beat for beat mixing is not easy, but when you start to get it, it comes quickly. Whilst learning try not to use the pitch controls to much (don't adjust the speed of the music) by selecting music with very similar beats. Changing pitch to the point the music sounds stupid is easy, choosing the correct mix is the challenge! When you want change beat from fast to slow, rather cut mix it, when one song ends, the other starts immediately.. also takes practice but easy to get.</p>

<p>Start off playing at friends party's for free. That way if it goes wrong, then no expectations, no money.... next! As you start getting better, people will start asking for you! When they start asking, you can start charging and making some money. Remember, this is no exact science or quick fix. It could take months to get here but persist and go for it and you might get into faster than you know.DJ'ing is a rewarding career and at the very least certainly can make some decent pocket money. Many end up in a full time career of music in one way or another.</p>

<p>You can visit our site for a wide range of DJ mixers, professional audio amplifiers and speakers to match your needs as well and to get an idea of what's out there. Visit


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