Monday 26 March 2012

How to tell What sort of shopper are you - Entertainment - Humor

<p>In life there are many types of people. They all have different personalities, different likes and dislikes and different tastes. These are the attributes that make up who we are and also transcend to make up the habits we follow in our everyday lives. They dictate the way we behave, the way we interact with people, even the way we eat, sleep or even shop.</p>

<p>Over time I've noticed many different types of shoppers and can even admit to falling into several categories at one time or another. So how do you spot these shoppers and how do you know if you are one of them yourself?</p>

<p>The Window Shopper</p>

<p>Firstly, let's take a look at the window shopper. Technically, I'm not sure you can call this type of person a shopper as the term shopper implies that you firstly need to buy something and the process of buying is the furthest thing from the mind of your average window shopper. </p>

<p>They can generally be found aimlessly loitering in front of shop windows (usually very expensive designer clothing or electrical shops) or spending hours meandering the shelves of your local book or outdoor pursuits store. </p>

<p>The window shopper will almost always have their hands firmly stuffed into their pockets. This is because they are very deep and have very good insulating qualities due to the build up of trouser fluff through lack of use especially in the paying department. When approached and asked if they require assistance they will often go pale, reply that they're just browsing and quickly leave the shop.</p>

<p>The Compulsive shopper</p>

<p>At the other extreme is the compulsive shopper. This is someone who just can't help but spend money. They are easily identifiable by the multitude of shopping bags slung from their arms or any other available appendage. This enables them to maximise their spending potential. </p>

<p>Your everyday compulsive shopper never pays by any means other than their flexible friend, the credit card. This method of payment is likely to be a form of denial, thus enabling them to carry on shopping til they drop without the guilt of knowing they are living way beyond their means. Many of their purchases are rarely worn or even see the light of day and are merely trophies of a successful shopping expedition.</p>

<p>The Bargain Hunter</p>

<p>The Bargain hunter is probably one of the most fanatical of shopping types. Their behavior at best is erratic and their look is unmistakable. They will often have a mad, wide eyed stare, a sweaty brow and fidgety mannerisms, not to dissimilar to that of a smackhead doing cold turkey. These characteristics are all too evident once the prospect of a bargain is in sight. Nothing will stand in the way of your average bargain hunter in full stampede. Old ladies, pregnant mothers or young children are effortlessly tossed to one side in their attempt to get their hands on that 2 for 1 offer. Your hardcore bargain hunter will even go to the lengths of camping out in the high street on the off chance that a saving of 10 could be had.</p>

<p>The Online Shopper</p>

<p>With the internet taking over our daily lives, discount online shopping has given rise to those people known as professional online shoppers. These people are rarely seen in a public high street setting as the majority of their shopping habits are spent glued to their computer endlessly scouring ebay, amazon, discount shopping or voucher codes websites for their daily fix. Nowadays, with major supermarkets even offering home deliveries, today's online shopper doesn't even need to leave the house anymore.</p>

<p>The Niche Shopper</p>

<p>The niche shopper is what you could call a coinsure of shopping. They know what they like and they mean to get it. Their only interest is in one product and nothing else. The associated look of your average niche shopper is wholly dependent on the niche they are in but generally their appearance takes second place to they're passion for their niche. </p>

<p>For example, take your average record collector; they are easily identifiable by their scruffy, student like looks. Their habitat is that of your local record store. Generally, your average wannabe DJ type record collector will spend hours upon hours perusing the latest and greatest white label, bootleg copies up for grabs at their local independent record shop. </p>

<p>Alternatively your high street record collector can be found hoarding armfuls of CD sale item offers from the latest 'HMV discount clearance everything must go for a fiver sale'.</p>

<p>The social shopper</p>

<p>The social shopper is the gigolo of the shopping world. The sole item on their shopping list is that of the opposite sex and the fun that can be had on successfully pulling whilst shopping. The social shopper can mainly be found hanging out in any type of shopping centre or supermarket where their chances of scoring are higher than any other normal shopping situation. Unlike the niche shopper, the social shopper takes their appearance very serious after all how can you pull when looking like a vagrant who'd been dragged through a hedge backwards? They are also identifiable by the way in which they never really take an interest in the products on display.</p>

<p>The Shop Lifter</p>

<p>Finally, we have the lowest of the low, the scum of the high street, the shop lifter. This type of shopper is the everyday nemesis of the shopkeeper. The shop lifter is out to grab anything they can get their hands and has no intention of paying for it. They are very cunning and can take on the appearance of any type of shopper that best fits their purpose. Usually though, their uniform of choice will be a black shell suit, black trainers (with trousers tucked into socks), baseball cap or hoodie. In times of desperation they may be forced to use extreme tactics such as employing the services of a small cute and cuddly child to create a diversion or to give of the appearance of a honest, law abiding family.</p>

<p>Take a good, honest look at your shopping habits and ask yourself, 'Do you fit into any of these shopping categories'?


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