Wednesday 28 March 2012

Ways To Grow Taller - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of Using Human Growth Hormone To Grow Taller - Health

<p>If you're currently experiencing the emotional and psychological scars caused from being short, then you may be looking for ways to grow taller. Keep reading. This article can help you.</p>

<p>Many people worldwide are unhappy with their height. The good news is there's something you can do about it.</p>

<p>Three of the most commonly used ways to grow taller are leg lengthening surgery, human growth hormone supplements, and a variety of methods to grow taller naturally through things like diet and exercise. Today we'll be looking at the second method (human growth hormone) in more detail.</p>

<p>What Is Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Anyway?</p>

<p>Human growth hormone (HGH) is the most abundant hormone and largest protein produced by the pituitary gland in the center of the brain. It is made up of an astonishing 191 amino acids.</p>

<p>HGH stimulates the body to grow, but it is also important for tissue repair, muscle growth, brain function, metabolism, energy, and general healing. It peaks during adolescence, but continues to be released in the body throughout life, most often while you are sleeping.</p>

<p>How Is HGH Used As One Of The Ways To Grow Taller?</p>

<p>Since HGH plays a big role in the growth process of your bones, it can be used as a way to grow taller naturally. This is done by doing things to increase the levels of HGH in your body.</p>

<p>As we mentioned previously, HGH is most commonly released in your body during sleep. Thus, if you want to increase your height and get taller, it's critically important to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.</p>

<p>Before bed, try eating a high casein protein snack. Casein proteins break down slowly and therefore supply your body with a steady dose of protein throughout the night. Foods naturally high in casein protein include dairy products like cottage cheese and milk.</p>

<p>Stay away from fats and sugars which can hinder the release of HGH while you sleep. If you don't like dairy products or are unable to eat them, casein protein powders are available.</p>

<p>Another option is to use HGH supplements as a way to grow taller. These can be found both as capsules and as oral sprays or injected straight into the blood stream.</p>

<p>Of the 3 choices, oral capsules are probably the best. Oral sprays are sometimes deemed ineffective at delivering HGH since studies have shown HGH cannot be absorbed through the tongue or lining of the mouth. Injections are costly and are often synthetics which only mimic HGH.</p>


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