Saturday 14 April 2012

Dj Yoda int - Entertainment - Music

<p>I like the fact about yours that it goes very 1930s and then it goes from that extreme to something really hip-hop?</p>

<p>It wasnt purposely like Im, gonna try and play every thing, it was more just like I wanted it to represent all the different types of music that influenced me and that I play when Im out and it is a lot of different types of music, but the idea was to not to try and make that not sound too random and there is some kind of order to it, like its not just for no reason.</p>

<p>Well it goes very well but it is very eclectic, its a journey like the story of your life.</p>

<p>Exactly! Story of my life, I like that?</p>

<p>Your working with a lot of people recently, I know you did some stuff with Dan Greenpeace who has actually got a show on Pyro Radio and so how did that come about?</p>

<p>I used to live with him actually, weve always done music together like way back since I was about 17 or something, yea we did a whole bunch of mix tapes together and we DJ together and so hes like my natural DJ partner.</p>

<p>You do come from the mix tape Vinyl kind of background?</p>

<p>I come from a hip hop background really, the whole of the 90s I would just listen to nothing but straight hip hop, hip hop, hip hop. If it wasnt rap music I didnt wanna know at all. Its only been the last few years that I have just discovered, oh wow, there is all these other kinds of music that I just dont know anything about, so yea its been kind of an exiting few years for me in music.</p>

<p>Yea its good to open up to that, but I mean because you do come from that mix tape vinyl back ground do you still deal with that kind of thing or have you moved more into technology of whats going on at the moment?</p>

<p>Both like, I think what ever I do I will always make mix CDs, I started off before I was a professional DJ I was making mix CDs for myself and then I was making mix CDs for mates and every thing, Ill always do that, I do that for myself anyway, I always just press play and record and make a mix its just what I naturally do always.</p>

<p>So you do the VJ thing which goes with the mixing, how does that work, do you use some kind of software which fires off the visuals while you mix or how does that work, cos I dont know about that kind of thing?</p>

<p>So do you know what CD Js are?</p>

<p>Yes just about</p>

<p>Theres them but you put DVDs in them instead, so you can scratch with DVDs and mix with DVDs, so thats what I use, as soon as that technology came out I was like, this is something that is defiantly relevant to me because before that existed I was always putting samples from movies, like audio samples in my mixes, always using bits of TV programs and stuff like that so now I can do that with the videos as well so its like, ok Im jumping on this its right up my street.</p>

<p>Wicked yea it goes very well, it makes a big difference when youve got all the visuals going with it. Youve also got a single coming out as well havent you?</p>

<p>I had two singles out from my last album the last one was with the Jungle Brothers it is called Playing Around, but now Im recording tracks for a new album, so yea the next single wont be till thats ready its about half done at the moment. Fabric mix is out in April, the next thing to come out will be another Cut n Paste mix cd that will be later in the year and then my second album, yea busy year!

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