Wednesday 4 April 2012

Two Proven Strategies to Improve Your Inner Game - Relationships - Dating

<p>Inner game is a hot topic in the dating community. Everybody has their "fix" to your inner game issues. Whether it is doing something embarrassing in order to build up resistance to social pressure, or NLP and hypnosis, each school of thought has its own strengths and weaknesses. What really happens when you work on your inner game? And is it as effective as people think it is?</p>

<p>Why is Working on Your Inner Game Appealing?</p>

<p>Working on your inner game is an excuse not to go meet girls. It's something guys do when they don't have enough balls to take the first step and start approaching. Instead of spending time in the trenches, you are spending time meditating, creating affirmations, and doing other feel good things.</p>

<p>This does not help your game.</p>

<p>I know because I spent time doing the "feel good" things to help my game. I didn't have what it took to approach girls, so I took the easy way out. I started meditating. I listened to self-hypnosis CDs. I even purchased a course that promised to change my beliefs.</p>

<p>I didn't see results from any of these.</p>

<p>I was still getting the same results. These results weren't good enough, either. And the worst part was, I still didn't have the balls to go out and approach women.</p>

<p>What do you need to do to improve your inner game?</p>

<p>"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey discusses the problem with self-help in the modern era. Everybody is looking for a bandaid or a quick fix to their problems. Unfortunately a bandaid only covers a wound - it doesn't fix the deeper problem. Covey calls it a "character" trait. If you really want to improve your life, and your game, you need to fix that before you change everything else.</p>

<p>The point of improving your inner game consists of changing your character.</p>

<p>But how do you do that? What do you need to do in order to change your character?</p>

<p>Hypnosis and NLP didn't work for me. I knew a million mental tricks to change the way I thought about the world about me. But I still didn't have the trick to make me better with women. Then I figured out what I needed to do.</p>

<p>I needed to act.</p>

<p>The best way to change your character is to go through a life changing event. Looking back at the last two years of my life I can think of every single "a-ha" moment. Short of going through a life altering event, how can you make it happen on your own?</p>

<p>There are two ways to do this. The first is to create a successful pattern in your life. One of the reasons we lack confidence is because a situation is new to us. When a situation goes from unfamiliar to familiar we gain confidence. You can also gain confidence in the learning process. So even if you are in a brand new situation, and have no idea what you are doing, you still have confidence.</p>

<p>How you do that is by learning a new skill. For me it was snowboarding. Then I learned how to DJ. While learning that, I also developed as a public speaker. When you develop confidence in learning new skills, then that confidence will carry into every area of your life.</p>

<p>The second way you can act is by taking on skills that other people are scared to attempt. Public speaking is a skill that some people fear more than death. Find a Toasmasters and learn how to speak in public. Knowing you have a skill that most people fear is something that will improve your game more than any amount of time learning NLP.</p>

<p>I've always noticed that people who have been in the armed services carry themselves differently than other people. And they always end up being guys who are pretty good with women. I'm not telling you to drop everything and join the Army. That's a life choice and not something anybody should do unless they absolutely believe in it.</p>

<p>What people in the armed services have that you don't have is that they know how to fight. When you have the skills to protect the people around you, you carry yourself differently. Nothing is sexier than a guy who can protect his woman. By the way, those MMA guys get laid quite a bit too, and they are pretty good at fighting.</p>

<p>Once you learn these new skills, you'll be on to something else as well. You'll be more interesting, which will also help your game. You need to be careful that you don't brag too much about your new skills. Your new confidence will show in your actions. Bragging is just cheesy and won't get you the girl.</p>

<p>Try these out and see if they work for you. If they don't, at least you have a few new skills that will probably help your game. If you are looking for a program that gives practical, actionable advice - not NLP and Hypnosis - check out Brad P's secrets of inner game here


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