Friday 11 May 2012

How to Make Money Online? Transfer Your Skills - Marketing - Email Marketing


<p> I know you have the skills to make money online, because you use those skills everyday, and you may not even realize it. The problem is, no one has ever shown you how to "see" what you just do it, because you can, and because when you were taught those skills, you only learned to apply them in one direction.</p>

<p> December of 1989, a courtroom in Southern California. When the gavel dropped, suddenly I was a divorced Dad, my in-laws had custody of my four kids, and I was facing the beginnings of a debt that would ultimately climb to over $100,000 over the next several years. What had begun with the discovery of an unfaithful wife had ended with Court costs, Child Support, Lawyers...well, no need to share the unpleasant details, except to say this is where it started.</p>

<p> Where it ended, twenty years later, the bills are paid, the courts and lawyers and support-issues are a fading memory, and I have a new life, a new wife, a new house, and best of all, a great relationship with my kids, and now grandkids, despite all the trauma and drama. It did not happen overnight, and it did not happen all at once, but it did happen, because I did what needed to be done, slowly, patiently, and step-by-step.</p>

<p> I used the skills I had to make money, and sometimes that meant working more than one job at a time to create that extra income; think of it as creating multiple revenue streams, using the same methods over and over.</p>

<p> When my marriage blew up, I turned to my family for help; I needed a base to start from, and my Dad had a spare couch. Like a scene from some movie, it was cold and raining the day I stepped off that Greyhound bus, clothesbag over my shoulder, suitcase in hand, with five bucks in my pocket; one month later I had a job, a small apartment, and the beginnings of a plan.</p>

<p> How did that happen? One step at a time, starting with applying for a job. Now, at one time or another, we have all had to "apply for a job" but ask yourself... What does that mean, exactly?</p>

<p> First off, you have to realize that you, or your skills, are a "product", and like any product, you need to sell yourself. Since I had most recently been a DJ on the radio, my product was "Air Personality", so that first step included listing all the skills I had, which translate to "benefits" to the station that hires me.</p>

<p> Next, I needed a list of the places where I would like to work; think of these as "prospects". My prospects were local radio stations, so I listed each station, and the person in charge of hiring, or "buying" my product. This required a little bit of work, since I had to look up each radio station individually, but soon I had a list of potential prospects to send my list of benefits to. No doubt, you can fill in the rest; sending out my resume' [list of benefits] to each Program Director [prospect], until finally one called me in to interview, and I was hired [my product was purchased].</p>

<p> Now, this was only a beginning, and a humble one.Over the years I applied for other jobs, using other skill sets. Sometimes I got part-time work, sometimes full-time, and quite often I worked more than one job at a time. In fact, in one year alone, I was working 1 full-time and 5 other part-time jobs, making for one very full Summer!</p>

<p> My point is this: someone once taught me how to get a job, and I used that training to get other jobs, following a simple step-by-step plan, until one day I was earning money from several different sources at the same time.</p>

<p> I was able to pay off my debts, build up my credit, and finally, afford to actually buy my own home, instead of paying someone else rent to stay in a house that was not mine. Now, it took me nearly twenty years and a lot of hard work, largely because I was using old, but tried-and-true, methods; what I would call "brick-and-mortar", because they rest solidly in the 'real' world.</p>

<p> But the truth is, we no longer live in just that world, we now live in the 'digital' world, with all the advantages and tools available there.</p>

<p> Think of it, all that list building, all those resumes mailed, all those prospects, all that time invested... Imagine the results if someone had given me a "step-by-step" plan to use the internet to accomplish those same goals?</p>

<p> Well, in the 21st Century in which we live, someone can. Today we have such things as list building tools, auto-responding software, email, and so much more...the list goes on and on.</p>

<p> You can build your business online, make money from the internet, and work smarter, not harder!</p>

<p> Just think about this: Recent studies have shown that 44% of email recipients made at least ONE purchase last year based on a promotional email, and people who buy products marketed through email spend 138% MORE than people that do not receive email offers!</p>

<p> You, or someone you know, may be one of those people, so why not learn how you can build your own online income? It is as easy as sending email to make money.</p>

<p> You already have the skills. You use them every day. I can show you how to apply those skills you already have to create your own internet income, with a simple email list, using proven step-by-step instructions.</p>

<p> You have it in your power to make extra money online, as much or as little as you want!</p>

<p> Why take twenty years, when you can be up and running in less than 30 minutes, even if you have never built a website before!</p>

<p> Why, indeed?</p>

<p> Use The Skills You Already Have To Make Money From The Internet! /RobGatlinberg</p>

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