Saturday 12 January 2013

How to Become a Babe Magnet - Relationships - Dating

<p>So you would like to become more attractive to women, wouldn't we all? So what can you do to become more of a babe magnet? In this article I will be attempting to answer this question and will be providing free and useful tips to help you to attract more women.</p>

<p>I was listening to my local radio while travelling to work this morning and heard something which has inspired me to write this article. The channel I was listening to has a young female presenter in the mornings who described a recent experience that she had had. The experience was to shock her and would also provide men up and down the country with some valuable advice about what it takes to woo a woman.</p>

<p>She continued by describing a night out that she had recently been on where she was performing as a dj on stage with a couple of other people, one of which was somebody who played the bongos, a person whom she had not previously met. When she had been introduced to this bongo player earlier in the evening she had not felt any form of attraction to him. He was slightly over-weight with man boobs, had receding hair and long hair, these are things which the presenter would not normally look for in a man.</p>

<p>All of that was soon to change when she saw him play his bongos. She was blown away by how brilliant he was and was astonished that she was now beginning to see him in a different light. She also noticed that a large number of other women who were there were also showing an interest in him and this made her feel quite competitive, he is mine! Even though he isn't of course.</p>

<p>What I am trying to get across here is that looks are not the be all and end all. If you can become very talented at perhaps a sport, in music like the bongo player or in any other field, then women will be attracted by your greatness. I am now going to end this article as I need to start practicing playing the bongo!</p>

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