Friday 8 February 2013

Techniques From The Milton Model We Can Use In Speech - Self Help

<p>A tag question is something that is added to the end of a sentence that turns it into a question. You have heard of such a question, have you not? Well, most of the time it is easy to identify such tag questions, is it not? </p>

<p>Also, learning how to use tag questions is easy, right? We can use tag questions to influence the acceptance of a particular statement and it is very easy to use, don't you think? </p>

<p>Generate at least twenty of your own tag question patterns. </p>

<p>Selectional Restriction Violation is a fairly complex term but it comes from linguistic origins. To selectionally restrict something, I might deliberately propose a particular direction of meaning. For instance, if I said, "My professor is pregnant!" The term "pregnant" actually restricts my choice of gender and therefore, it is implied that my professor is female. </p>

<p>Likewise, if I said, "The ball entered the hoop."I would have to presume that the restriction in the type of game I am playing is likely to be basketball. Notice that the features of the ball are all modified by the words. When we use a Selectional Restriction Violation, we deliberately violate the actual characteristics of a particular object to mean something else. </p>

<p>An Extended Quote refers to situations where you are quoting from another source that you may or may not have experienced yourself. </p>

<p>So for instance, you talk about the time when you listened to the DJ on the radio, asking a caller on the program what she wanted to achieve in life. And the answer that the caller said related to the last time she conversed with her husband, when they planned the future, where he said that, "The future is full of opportunity"</p>

<p>Such Extended Quote allows you to nest different kind of realities into different perspectives, all in one single statement. There was a time when Richard Bandler told John Grinder that Extended Quotes are important because Milton Erickson was able to use Extended Quotes to embed suggestions, to help a person's unconscious development of learning. </p>

<p>A Conversational Postulate is usually a request. If you have rapport, it is typical for someone to ask a question that elicits an action instead of an answer. For instance, I may ask, "Could you pass me the salt?"</p>

<p>Traditionally, it could be answered as a question. However, in such an instance, it is normally treated as a request for action. Here you have it, some of the techniques taught in the Milton model that we can apply in our everyday speech.

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