Wednesday 13 February 2013

Tips to Consider in Forming a Franchise - Business - Franchising

<p>Building A Franchise Empire - Through Local Efforts and The Grassroots Way</p>

<p>1. Stay Consistent It's easy to get caught up in the next big thing. Don't compare your brand against what your competitors are doing. Create a persona for your franchise, and then stick to it. This means thinking of your franchise as a living, breathing person. You may even give it a personality, and a name. Then, test this out with your peers and make sure it translates. There is nothing worse than causing confusion. Ensure that your logo and whatever tagline you use is in keeping with the look and feel of the franchise brand as well. This means chipping away at the finer details of color schemes and fonts. However, don't forget to be creative and have some imagination. But do keep in mind that once you've developed all of this, you have to make an effort to stay within those lines.</p>

<p>2. Be Supportive Give your franchisees an easy means to advertise within their local community. Often times when mass marketing messages are developed from head office, something gets lost in translation. Each location has something different about it. In turn, ensure that some messages are also coming from the individual location itself. Embedding the location-based messages within the community means that it stands a chance to become indispensable. A marketing brochure or training seminar may help some franchisees figure out how to strategically get into the communities. One way to do this, is to offer an incentive. For those franchisees that will advertise locally and engage the community, offer financial support of some kind. Create print ad templates for them that they can use to advertise in local newspapers. Give them promo items, banners, etc. Therefore, with your support the franchisee can stay true to the parent brand. That means acting as if your franchise is th
e parent, and each location is a child. To ensure success, parents need to equip their children with the skills needed to succeed. Equally, your franchise must do the same for each individual franchisee and be truly invested in their success within their respective communities.</p>

<p>3. Giveaways and Strategic Participation There's nothing like a free giveaway that gets people excited, and when they're excited they tell everyone they know. To get notoriety within the community get introduced to the influencers. Those are people that everyone may listen to. Most likely they're local celebrities - reporters, editors, radio DJ's, essentially anyone who gets paid to have a voice. This may mean sending some of your franchise products to your local radio station. Most likely, if you do this on a weekly or monthly basis, the influencers will get excited about what to expect next. They'll look forward to it on a personal level, and tell everyone they know. Word-of-mouth is the best advertising that money can't buy. Because they've tried it, they'll be more likely mention your franchise in print or on the air. If they're impressed and love it, they'll Tweet, Share, Stumble, Tumble, and blog about it.Or try being a giver. The local charities and organizations wi
thin your community could always use a hand, and your franchise could always use the word-of-mouth. Try supporting local sports teams, museums or even create an event of your own to raise money for a charity of your choice. The charity carwash has been around for good reason. Support police precincts, local artists, fire stations - basically do anything and everything to get the word out to the community that this franchise "cares" for the community. At the end of the day, if customers see you care, and they like you, they'll be more likely to return the favor. They'll buy from you.</p>

<p>4. Listen There's a reason why the soapbox was invented. People will always have an opinion and they'll want to voice it. Arrange it so that your franchisees have a voice too. Provide them with a space, whether it's physical or virtual where they can share their opinions, concerns and thoughts. If it's a virtual space, create a backend website, just for franchisees to have access to. Or open up a private group on Facebook. Additionally, feature an annual in-person event as well. If different franchisees connect and discuss their efforts, they'll be stronger together and for the entire franchise brand. Make sure that you bring a pen and pad. Listen to their concerns, whether they center on marketing, advertising or operations. Perhaps, this might even solve a few bumps or create a new campaign.</p>

<p>5. Incentives for Your Staff Have you ever walked through the halls of creative spaces like universities? They're plastered with posters that invite you to share and participate for rewards and incentives. If you do the same within a designated space just for employees, it will also create buzz and motivation. Make the franchisees and employees a part of a national campaign. Getting them involved means equipping them with the items needed to succeed. These are things within a company that increase retention and loyalty. Think of your franchisees as the face of the brand. Therefore, to represent the franchise they must have the proper training in order to portray the brand in the best possible light. You now know that you don't need to be a McDonald's to build a strong empire. The fastest way to build a franchise empire is through consistency. These 5 points can help you maximize your business, grow your franchise brand & generate business through local efforts. These will
help you create a unique persona, provide excellent customer service and create loyal lifers for your franchise.</p>

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