Wednesday 20 March 2013

Simple Tips To Use When DJing A Wedding - Entertainment - Music

<p>A wedding is often a personal occasion with friends and families of all age groups. For that reason, if you're used to DJing at clubs then you'll find that DJing at weddings is quite a different gig all together. However, it can prove to be a fun and satisfying experience. Read on and I'll share with you some tips on how to DJ a wedding.</p>

<p>Meet Up With Your ClientsYou should always meet with your clients to discuss the details of their wedding or reception. Since you'll be the main entertainment at the event, you wouldn't want to play the wrong kind of music so you should find out what are the bride's and groom's musical preferences. Also find out what mood they would want for their event.</p>

<p>Identify The Wedding CrowdWhen you're performing at a wedding reception, you'll have a wider range of audience since you'll have the elder people, the middle-aged and the younger group. This might make it just a bit more difficult for you because you have to play music which can please everybody. So make sure you have a good playlist to help everybody get in the mood to dance. </p>

<p>Always Have Plan B ReadyAnything can go wrong even when you're DJing. Make sure you have at least one backup copy of your music stored on your MP3 player or DVDs. Also have some backup equipment. You never know when your laptop or speakers may malfunction. It might be a hassle to carry some extra equipment but better safe than sorry.</p>

<p>Understand The Flow Of The EventFind out about the flow of the day from your clients. For each stage of the reception there will usually be a different mood to accompany it and it's your job to provide the right mood. Ask the bride and groom what music they would like to be played during the toast giving, cake cutting and so on. You can also give your own suggestions as a wedding DJ to help make the event a special one.</p>

<p>Last but not least is of course to have fun. Remember that you're DJing for a joyous occasion and that you should also provide a fun mood for the crowd. To be a good wedding DJ you have to enjoy and love entertaining as well as setting the atmosphere for people to have a good time. Seeing people enjoying themselves while listening to the music you play is, I'm sure, a big reward in itself.</p>

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