Friday 3 May 2013

I missed my first episode of Boardwalk Empire - Careers - Resumes

<p>The horror! I was traveling for work, and the hotel didn't have HBO. How is that even possible? I had to catch up on on-demand.It's getting hot in the kitchen... Written by Steve Kornacki and directed by Ed Bianchi, "What Does the Bee Do?" has Nucky's tide turning. Or so we're led to believe... Some key moments:"Following a triumphant first season, I was eager to see what Terry Winter, Martin Scorsese and the rest of their stellar team had in store, and they continue to surpass our highest expectations," said Michael Lombardo, president of HBO programming. "The response from the media and our viewers has been extremely gratifying."The influence of HBO's prohibition drama Boardwalk Empire has seeped into pop culture in the form of finely tailored suits, fedoras and cocktails! Celebuzz caught up with the Emmy nominated show's sexy star Michael Pitt at Esquire's 5th Celebration Of Big Black Book with Tanqueray (DJ'ed by Mick Boogie) on Wednesday night in NYC, and the Leonardo
DiCaprio lookalike had lots to say about what the modern man can learn from the men that came before them.Jack Huston, the grandson of legendary director John Huston (and nephew to Anjelica and Danny Huston), is stealing nearly every scene of HBO's Boardwalk Empire, where he plays disfigured sniper turned hitman Richard Harrow. Jace Lacob talks to HustonThe period HBO drama was adapted from Nelson Johnson's best-selling non-fiction book "Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City." It centered on real-life criminal kingpin Enoch "Nucky" Johnson. On the show, the central character's name was changed to Enoch "Nucky" Thompson (Steve Buscemi). He portrays the Atlantic County Treasurer who rose to prominence during the Prohibition period of the '20s and '30s in Atlantic City.Facing a local liquor surplus, Jimmy Darmody and Mickey Doyle head to Philadelphia in search of buyers -- meeting up with gangster Manny Hurvitz;Last week's episode of "Boardwa
lk Empire" titled "Family Limitation" put Margaret front and center, and we saw the relationship of Nucky and Margaret taken to another level. I'm also loving the interplay between Jimmy and Al, and the personal relationship behind the two gangsters. And Agent Van Alden is certainly making a bid for the "creepiest character" on TV. Here are some of the recaps for last week. Sorry they are a bit late this week.I don't often punch out my friends and throw them in a trunk, but my friends are junkie ex-cons who need the law laid down (pretty much literally). Seems pretty plausible to me, I've heard of other community leaders in rundown neighborhoods being just as tough.The show everyone thinks they like will be back next season: HBO has renewed Boardwalk Empire for a third season just three episodes into Season 2. We can assume Season 3 will follow its predecessors and debut in September 2012. We're now three episodes into the second season of Boardwalk Empire, and so we thought
it'd be a good time to catch up with Nucky Thompson and the rest of the bootleggers, mafia thugs, corrupt politicians, and gold-hearted whores who populated the Jersey Shore of the Roaring Twenties. </p>

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