Thursday 2 May 2013

Western Weight Loss Institute's-Obesity Facts and Information - Health - Weight Loss

<p>Western Weight Loss Institute (WWLI) promotes neither a quick fix nor a diet. WWLI does introduce weight loss, wellness and fitness plans presented in a curriculum, aimed to enhance personal development, self-actualization and discovery. Discover, by both exploring and investigating your foundations, how your nutritional background and upbringing were structured, in order to explain how you see your own physical and spiritual self. The WWLI system is developed to enable clients and patients to discover their own healthy habits and lifestyles. Our number one goal at Western Weight Loss Institute is to make fitness and weight loss a strategic part of your daily life, where dieting is no longer an option. Where nutritional eating habits and positive physical activity become habit. </p>

<p>-Definitions & Facts- </p>

<p>Overweight: any weight in excess of your Ideal Body Weight (IBW).# This means what? </p>

<p>"Overweight" is a concept of your own perception of your own self-image. "Overweight" is a subjective term, and it's that subjectivity that leads to many eating disorders. An eating disorder is a serious illness and requires extensive medical intervention. </p>

<p> Are you happy with your body? Are you able to physically do all the things that you want to do? Do you fit comfortably with the clothes that you want to wear? Do you feel sexy and good when you wear them? </p>

<p>Body Weight and Measurements- Measurements of height and weight, and the comparison of these values using the standard charts, are the first steps in identifying obesity. These measurements produce erroneous results for most of us. Body Weight (BW) is an individual matter. BW tends to increase with age, generally, at a rate of 2 % per decade. It should also be acknowledged that weight charts are not equally relevant to people of all social-economic and ethnic groups.#</p>

<p> From our Home Page, the equation below is used to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). You may go back to the home page at to have your BMI calculated for you. Weight1 lb (1.5 lbs).45 kg (.68 kgs)Height1 ft.3048 meters</p>

<p>Body Mass Index (BMI)= Weight (Kg) Height (meters) Reading your BMI results:</p>

<p> A BMI of more than 27.8 for men or more than 27.3 for women is in excess of the Ideal Body Weight (IBW)</p>

<p>The overweight individual is not always overly fat. For example, athletes with excessive muscle bulk may exceed their IBW, because muscles weigh more than fat. </p>

<p>Someone with a high % of body fat and a low % of lean body mass can be calculated as being obese, yet having a body weight within the normal range.#</p>

<p>Obesity- Obesity is based on an excess of 120% of the Ideal Body Weight (IBW). Mild obesity-120-140% Moderate obesity-141-200% Severe/Morbid->200%</p>

<p> Today, obesity affects 66 % of Americans, 26-75 years of age, according to statistics from The Centers for Disease Control. #</p>

<p> Obesity is a medical condition, and therefore requires assistance and guidance from a medical practitioner. WWLI's focus is to help you avoid reaching the point obesity, so that you will never have to worry about treatment.</p>

<p> Our Consumer agreement and Privacy Policy may be viewed at /customer_agreement_privacy.html The knowledge and information found through the Western Weight Loss Institute will make any weight loss process easier, and will compliment any weight loss program. </p>

<p>Fads-"Low-carb" diets: The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet, Dr.'s quick weight loss diet (Stillman, Atkins Diets). These diets result in the breakdown of proteins, or Ketosis, and therefore result in a rapid weight loss. However, there is an abundance of fluid that is also lost, giving the impression of weight loss, but it is also quickly regained. Hyperuricemia- an increase of low-density, lipoprotein cholesterol (which is a contributor to coronary artery diseases), is also a troublesome consequence to these diet fads. There is also little to nothing accomplished, no continuation or sustaining with these diet programs to retrain eating habits. Therefore, all the lost weight is usually regained.#</p>

<p>Energy Put in (FOOD) must=Energy used</p>

<p>According to Western Weight Loss Institute's Dietician:</p>

<p>Calorie Diet 2,000 2,500total fat <br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

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