Monday 2 July 2012

5 Reasons Why I Can't Live Without My iPhone - Technology - Cell Phones

<p>Ever Since buying my first iPhone in 2008 I was hooked. Actually I was pretty much hooked after playing with my brother's iPhone and had to have one after that. One of the great things that the iPhone gives you is massive functionality. In my opinion there is no other phone on the planet that can match all the things the iPhone does and will most likely do in the future. Since 2008 the iOS has improved dramatically featuring multi-tasking, cut and paste, better notifications, app grouping, and much much more. But I'm here to discuss why I can't live without my iPhone. So without further ado let's get to the list of the top 5 reasons I can't live without my little app loaded device.</p>

<p>1. Entertainment - The iPhone app store has thousands of applications and many of those are games. If I'm ever bored I can easily take my phone out of my pocket and spend a few minutes playing Angry Birds or Dungeon Hunter or whatever game I may be into at the time. It's really great for waiting in line or waiting for your car to get its oil changed. There's also iTunes. Since it's built right in I can always listen to music, download some TV show or movie, or listen to my favorite internet marketing podcasts. Walking through Walmart looking for a few items for my wife was never more entertaining. It's a great way to multitask learning and errand running.</p>

<p>2. Directions - Google maps on my iPhone is very handy. I'll admit that when it comes to knowing what direction I'm heading in you might as well ask me to recite the Pythagorean theorem because I know about as much about that as I do what direction I'm pointing in. The only time I can tell you when I'm pointing in a specific direction is when either I'm near a landmark I know faces a specific direction or I'm holding a compass, which by the way is also on my iPhone Hehe. Google maps has helped me find many many places over the years. I can tell you a few times where Google sent me on a bit of a goose chase but overall it's helped tremendously. Now as long as I have somebody's address I can usually find where I'm going. No more stopping to ask for directions, no more paper maps, or Illinois atlas of maps. I just pull out my phone and I'm on my way. Nice!</p>

<p>3. Communications - It's never been easier for me to email, text, tweet, IM or call somebody. I can do it all from my iPhone as long as I either have signal or a WIFI connection. I always say that if you can't get a hold of me at all that you're not really trying because I'm either holding my iPhone or I'm online on something. I can send tweets to all my twitter followers and messages to all my Facebook friends. I can call my mom to let her know I'm coming over for dinner and I can sing a song to my daughter 400 miles away before she goes to bed. I can even look my son in the eyes on face time and see if he's telling me the truth or if he's a big fibber!!! The iPhone keeps me in touch with everybody online and off. As of late I can also send a greeting card and mail somebody a postcard and put a stamp on it without ever leaving my house.4. Information - Ever been sitting at a restaurant with friends having a conversation and somebody asks you a question that you think you
know the answer to but you're not 100% sure? Simple. Look it up? Want to know how may ounces are in a pound? Look it up! Want to know how to spell some crazy word you just heard, wanted to know the batting average of babe ruth in his rookie season, or needed to know the exact text word for word from Shakespeare's Hamlet? LOOK IT UP!! You can look up just about anything on the iPhone. And if somebody didn't write it online they might have made a video about it. Go watch it! You can do that on the iPhone too! There's never been a more amazing time to be an information junkie! I can get almost any information that's common knowledge just by a few finger swipes and about 30 seconds of patience. I can learn spanish, learn the secret to online marketing with Adsense, learn how to tie a square knot, how to macram, or even how to make diet coke bottles explode by putting little mints into them and putting the lid back on. We are living in the information age my friends and my iPhone
has it covered.</p>

<p>5. Music - At any give moment I may have over 1000 songs stored on my iPhone. I switch them out based on what my musical wants are at the moment. Somedays I'm feeling like Rock and some days I'm feeling like Country. Sometimes I even throw in some Sinatra and Tony Bennet just to switch things up. The iPhone gives you that kind of flexibility. Playlists can be made where you don't even have to take music off. You can just make playlists dedicated to specific genre's and play the ones you feel like that day. It's a fantastic music storage device. Not only that but there's a complete host of iPhone apps you can buy that will hook you into internet radio, streaming music, and videos as well. One of my favorites is the new Spotify app. I pay about ten bucks a month and Spotify gives me a huge music library without even having to buy the songs I want to listen to. This has helped me many times with requests at DJ shows too. I can also use Spotify to pre-listen to a song somebody
has requested if I don't know what it sounds like.</p>

<p>So there you have it my friends. My five reasons why I can't live without my iPhone. And most likely I'll be carrying my iPhone for sometime to come because there's nothing else out there that comes close to it. Sorry Android and Windows Phone enthusiasts. I mean no offense. This is just my opinion and you are more than welcome to yours.</p>

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