Sunday 30 September 2012

How to determine which type of DJ you are - Business

<p>I've always wanted to be a DJ, and I have a strong memory of the way I felt about this when I was young.</p>

<p>I wanted so badly to be the one who was up there behind the decks. In charge, busy, approachable but also slightly intimidating (if I'm honest) - because that was the way successful DJs made me feel.</p>

<p>I don't expect you're like me at all, but between ourselves, I was actually a little shy and awkward when I was in my teens. Even in my early twenties, I still found it much easier to deal with parties and other social gatherings if I had something to do. Well for me, that "something" was spinning the discs.</p>

<p>I had a deep love of music, of course. In my case, exclusively reggae for most of my youth (I was SO fortunate to be young during the greatest period of reggae music - 1976-79 - when true geniuses like Coxsone Dodd, Lee Perry and Augustus Pablo were churning out deeply experimental, innovative and hauntingly beautiful new tunes), and then I "branched out" into R&B!</p>

<p>What I've learned is that there are two sorts of DJs that make it.</p>

<p>Firstly, "generalist" DJs who play a range of popular, mainstream tunes (for their target community/audience/age-group) and can always find work through advertising and word-of-mouth at kids' parties, community events and so on.</p>

<p>Secondly, "niche" DJs who select a niche and go deep into it. As far as this comparison goes, I'm towards the specialist or niche end of the market - but nowhere near the extreme of that end! I still play reggae (the wholesome kind, not anything with nasty, homophobic lyrics) and R&B - but that only makes me slightly niche. Real niche DJs go so deep into a niche they ONLY play a sub-sub-genre.</p>

<p>Recently I cam across a fantastic audio program by a man called Earl Nightingale. This is old-time stuff - I don't know when it was recorded, but decades ago, believe me. In this program Earl Nightingale (great name for a DJ... and he was a radio announcer!) talks about two kinds of people: river people and goal people. He says river people have a calling - they just want to spend their lives immersed in the activity they love. (It's the idea of immersion that makes him call them river people.) Musicians, artists, religious community leaders are all examples of river people.</p>

<p>Well, some niche DJs - most what I would call extreme niche DJs - are like this. These DJs are so committed to their specific music that they would choose to play it and get paid $100 rather than cater for a more generalist audience and get paid $200. Is that you? If you recognise yourself as a river person, then accept it, clarify it and build your DJ career round it. Some of the most commercially successful DJs are river people. They can make big money when they come to define - in a region, or for a particular community of interest - a musical community.</p>

<p>Just accept, if you are a river person - a deep niche DJ - that you might find that it takes longer to break through as a DJ than someone who (as you probably see it) compromises their musical taste to get work and renown.</p>

<p>Turning to goal people or generalist DJs - well, don't feel left out! After all, I'm only a slight niche DJ myself: I learned to appreciate R&B because after the 1980s kicked in, reggae really went into a decline (for reasons I'll go into on another occasion, perhaps!).</p>

<p>Generalist DJs do us all a favour by being most people's first experience of the art of DJing. They provide a great service to the communities they work in, and invest huge amounts of money and time in keeping their selection of music up-to-date so that they can do their job well.</p>

<p>And if you're a goal person - someone who for the purposes of this article at least in part sees DJing as a means to an end - then this generalist approach has got to be the one for you. I wanted to be The DJ - but I wanted to earn a great income, too - and I'm not so dedicated to the music I love that I want to set up rules about only playing this or that type of song.</p>

<p>So within the broad genres of R&B and reggae I cater for my audiences. Part niche, part generalist. There's a fair chance that this will describe you too.</p>

<p>When you've worked out exactly where you stand on this subject, you will be perfectly positioned to make plans about the other things you need to address in order to become a successful DJ. Like marketing, programming - and, most importantly of all for new DJs, getting the best possible value for money from your equipment budget.</p>

<p>Well, working out whether you're a goal DJ or a river DJ really makes a difference because it affects the types of equipment you should be considering.</p>

<p>You can learn to select equipment that works for you, and that works well with all the other items you select, but you need to take this knowledge with you into the marketplace - don't just believe every marketing message you come across. If you get the right information about equipment, you can build your DJ career right from day one.</p>

<p>Or as Earl Nightingale put it: "The big thing is that you know what you want".</p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Saturday 29 September 2012

So You Want to Be a DJ, But You Don?t Know Where to Start - Careers

<p>Got a dynamic personality, a good sense of humor and some technical ability? Can you connect with people? When you talk, can you make people listen? Ever thought about a job that would allow you combine all of these qualities together to help build a better career? Ever thought about becoming a disk jockey for a local or national radio station? If you found yourself answering yes to any of these questions, an on-air position may be just the career for you. </p>

<p>It's the job of radio broadcasters to entertain, engage and inform their audience with everything from sports to weather from traffic to concerts. DJs dispense information that their audience cares about, so a good DJ knows his or her audience well. The DJ knows what his audience likes and what will make the audience switch stations. DJs are required to have amusing and engaging personalities, along with the skills and expertise required to run professional radio programs. </p>

<p>As with all other broadcasting jobs, the position of a disc jockey requires experience - experience proves to employers that you're serious about a career in radio broadcasting. No morning or afternoon drive DJ got where they are by luck alone. It always takes years of dedication where the DJ refines his or her on-air persona and learns how to best interact with the audience. </p>

<p>The only problem with this is that it takes experience to gain experience. This is where career colleges and broadcasting schools can help. These schools features hands-on, in-depth training courses guaranteed to provide their students with the skills and experience needed to work in the exciting field of broadcasting. </p>

<p>The courses offered range in everything from vocabulary and speaking techniques to cable and satellite production and operation. All of which will help you to build a strong core of skills needed to work in your desired field, whether it be behind the camera in a production booth or in front of the camera or microphone. </p>

<p>When searching for a career college or broadcasting school to expand your skills and turn you into a more dynamic potential employee, be sure to look for national accreditation and strong affiliations with state boards. Committees such as the Accrediting Commission of Career School and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT) are among a list of accrediting committees that enhance the value of a school or college, by providing a stronger backbone for the institution. </p>

<p>A potential employee with an educational background and skill set provided by a nationally accredited career college or broadcasting school is far more likely to make a lasting impression with a station manager on a resume first glance. The skills and experiences learned at a professional institution add to the amount of worth and weight that a potential employee will carry over another applicant who is trying to break into the field right after high school. </p>

<p>Career colleges and broadcasting schools also offer hands-on training in real-world situations. Good broadcasting schools offer internships with radio and television stations, where students can gain personal connections to industry professionals. These experiences help students to get their foot in the door months or even years before communications students at a traditional four year university. </p>

<p>After graduating from a career college or broadcasting school, you will enter the workforce with the experience and skills that will make employers want you as their new station manager or on-air talent. </p>

<p>If you want to become a DJ, contact a college or school near you and get started today in a program that could change your life. Be on air.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Friday 28 September 2012

How to Plan a Successful Themed Event - Entertainment

<p>If you're looking to stage a social, charity or corporate event it's vital that all aspects of the event are fully considered, planned and delivered in order to ensure the event comes in on budget and that it has the best possible chance of success. To help you on your way youll need to consider the following.</p>

<p>Why stage the event in the first place?</p>

<p>For any event there is always a reason why it has been staged in the first place. Consider your reasons or motives behind wanting to stage it. Are you going to celebrate a special occasion such as a wedding, birthday or graduation? Is the aim of event to raise awareness for a charity or other good cause organisation? Is it to be a corporate occasion aimed at promoting a product, service or company? Or is the idea to simply make some hard cash? Whatever your reasons it's advisable that you consider them and keep them in mind, as they will be your target goal. </p>

<p>Choose the right venue</p>

<p>Once you have identified the reasons for staging your event you need to decide on a venue to host it. Things to consider are:</p>

<p>By choosing the right venue you will set a firm foundation on which to build your event. It would be advisable to shop around, visit different venues, discuss your thoughts with the venue co-ordinator and try to anticipate any potential problems with your plans. Sometimes it pays to think outside the box, maybe your event will benefit from something quirky like an historic building rather than a corporate function room. By doing so you can easily start to create a buzz around your event, give something for guests to talk about both at the event itself and also in months or years to come. You'll also want to consider dressing your event and Theming it.</p>

<p>Choose your events theme then design and plan around it</p>

<p>Once you have decided on your events venue and its overall reason for being you next need to decide on the theme. Will it be a corporate black tie occasion? Will it have a casual party atmosphere? How about a medieval banquet or charity speaker's dinner? Or even a rave or club night?</p>

<p>To help get the look and feel for your event right you may want to consider employing the services of a professional party planner or event theming company. A good event Theming company will be able to design, plan, build and dress your event as well as project manage its staging.</p>

<p>Consider the entertainment</p>

<p>Any event will need entertainment of some sort. Sometimes the entertainment will be the main focus of the event itself such as a band or dj, other times it maybe an accompaniment to the events focus. A good example of this might be singing waiters at a charity dinner, dance or celebration followed later on by a disco or band to round off the evening. The key thing is to match your entertainment to your target audience. Get it wrong and you could end up with unhappy guests or low ticket sales. Get it right and youre sure to have a winner on your hands. </p>

<p>Choose the right guests</p>

<p>Which brings us to the guests you'll be inviting. Consider who they will be? What they'll want and how you'll notify them about your event? Will it be by private invitation or by general advertising and promotion? Either way you're going to need marketing material like tickets, posters, flyers and press advertising. Contact your local paper or radio station. For corporate events you'll need to draw up a list of local businesses and key organisations for this you could try talking to your local chamber of commerce. </p>

<p>Feed and Water your guests</p>

<p>You're certainly going to need to supply drinks to your guests. This is where you'll need to consider whether the venue you have chosen supplies a bar or whether you're going to have to organise your own? Will you need a special drinks licence? If you have employed the services of an event planner they should be able to advise you on this and oversee its organisation. </p>

<p>Should your event require it, your guests may expect food to be laid on. If so, again, talk to your venue as they maybe able to offer this service. If not, your party organiser or a specialist catering company will be able to offer advice and arrange this for you.</p>


<p>Remember your job isn't over until the last guest has left, you will need to ensure guests are happy and entertainers have what they require to do their job. If you have planned and budgeted well, your event will surely be a hit. </p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Thursday 27 September 2012

How to Become a Radio DJ - Business - Human Resources

<p>A radio disk jockey has to have a pleasant speaking voice as well as excellent verbal skills. The work of a radio DJ does not include music only but also read commercials, weather forecast, conduct interviews just but to name a few. There are a few points to consider when one wants to know how to become a radio DJ. Having a strong vocal presence really helps a lot in this type of work. </p>

<p>This job also involves working at very odd hours and also shifting of jobs from one place to another. A background in office management or even electronics is important because at times radio DJ's do clerical work and commercial production. Apart from being at the studio a radio DJ can also broadcast from a distant location. In order to succeed as a radio DJ it is important to follow an educational path that includes English, theatrical arts and speech.</p>

<p> In some cases radio DJ's are sometimes made to create their own different copies of advertisements so it would be fundamental to have a strong writing background. Radio DJ's also rewrite news articles and it is therefore ideal to have creative writing skills. One's speech is very important in this type of job and one should come out as clear as well as avoiding accents or impediments. </p>

<p>There are theatre and speech schools available that can help a potential radio DJ to improve on his/her speech. Broadcasting is one of the courses that is offered in different schools and colleges to help prospective radio DJ's. It is also important to have some experience for working as a radio DJ to make you familiar with the work environment. In that case one can volunteer working as a campus DJ. Professional air check tape is also required in order to make it in the radio industry. </p>

<p>When seeking for a job, prospective radio DJ's send their air check tapes for listening first before being called for an interview. It is also important to observe experienced mobile DJ's to learn a few things. If it is possible get an internship at your local radio station while you're still in college. It is also good to contact your broadcasting adviser about the availability of entry level jobs in radio through the college. Radio DJ's are also advised to make themselves familiar with all types of music genres to have a broad knowledge of the music world.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Music on the Internet - Computers

<p>Just when you thought that you couldn't get enough radio time on the actual radio. Now there are all sorts of services on the Internet (which are free, by the way) that you can sign up for and take advantage of as long as they're free. If you're looking for such an application to join, is great. is a neat musical site for those who not only love music but who love to discover new music that they may have otherwise never heard before. It's almost like Twitter but for music. In addition to being able to link up to Twitter, Blipf.m allows you to sync up to your Twitter profile so that every time you upload a new song or "give props" to another Blipf.m DJ, it will show up in your Twitter profile. As an added word-to-the wise, however; if you plan to comment on a lot of songs or upload a lot of songs, you may want to change your settings so that you don't overwhelm your Twitter followers!</p>

<p>When you give "props" to another Blipf.m user, you are essentially telling them, as well as other people who follow your blips, that you like the musical choice that they put out there. Each time someone gives you props for a song you blip, your profile tracks it in the upper right hand corner. Obviously, the more props you get, the better known you are. It's sort of looked at in a lot of ways as a type of popularity contest- which is what Twitter is a lot of the time. Additionally, the more listeners you have, the better because as you hit increments of fifty listeners, there is a star that appears beside your name each time you blip a song that lets others know how many listeners you have- essentially, how popular you are. is also mindful to let you know how many "props" you have left to give out. The way to earn props is by having other people give you props on songs that you blip. Typically this operates in a reciprocal fashion. For instance, if you give props
to another DJ for a song that he or she has just blipped, they will, in turn, give you props back for a song that you have blipped. You also earn props when someone re-blips a song that you have blipped.</p>

<p>On, everyone who is a subscribed user is referred to as a "DJ". You can give a t'humbs up' to songs that other Djs post, which is referred to as "giving props". You also have the option of "reblipping" songs that other Djs post. This simply means that you re-post a song that they have posted. When you reblip someone elses song or if you choose to blip a song yourself, you have the option to type in a brief 160 word message to the other Djs who are following you. The DJ's who like your musical selections and who choose to follow you are classified as your "listeners". At any time, you can check to see who is listening to your music.</p>

<p>There's a whole lotta blippin' to be had on, and while it may seem like another Twitter popularity contest, it's all in fun. The people who belong to really love music and are more than happy to share songs with other people. Not only that, but has a feature that allows you to play songs like you would if they were on a play list (in a continuous stream), similar to having a radio on or listening to your itunes. You can visit other Djs profiles and click on their props to see what songs they like, or you can click on their play lists to see what songs they enjoy listening to. It's also a fantastic way to meet new friends who like the same music as you.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Music on the Nokia C5 - Technology - Cell Phones

<p>Are you looking for a mobile phone that can let you enjoy your music wherever you go? If this is the case, then the Nokia C5 is the mobile phone that you have been looking for. It has everything you will ever need to enjoy your music.</p>

<p>No matter what we do, music will always be a part of our lives. It is the most popular and age old form of entertainment. With the C5, you get to enjoy more of your music without the need to purchase any other electronic device. Best of all, with the phone, there is more than one way to enjoy music. If you want to enjoy music on the C5, you get the luxury of a 3.5 mm connector. This simply means that you can plug in your choice of stereo headsets on the phone. Feel free to privately enjoy your music wherever you may be.</p>

<p>If ever you feel the need to listen to your favorite radio station, DJ, the breaking news, sports, or the latest hits, the phone comes with an integrated FM radio. With this built in radio, there is no more need to get a separate radio. If you have a lot of tracks to store, the Nokia C5 has all the storage space you may need. The mobile phone can support up to 16 GB from a microSD. This simply means that you can store all of your favorite tracks and enjoy them wherever you go.</p>

<p>If you have a lot of tracks stored in your PC's hard drive, you do not have to go home to your PC just to enjoy your music. All you have to do is connect the Nokia C5 to your PC, and transfer as many tracks as the microSD can hold. You can also do this the other way around.</p>

<p>If you are looking for new music, you do not need to go anywhere else to get them. All you need to do is access the Nokia Music store on the phone, and you get access to literally thousands of tracks from a variety of artists. You can visit the site, purchase, and download the new tracks directly to the phone. Music will always be a part of our lives, and this phone allows you the luxury of enjoying music wherever you go at any time. This is how you enjoy music on the Nokia C5.</p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Monday 24 September 2012

How to become a perfect DJ - Entertainment - Movies

<p>With 5 years of my experience as a leading DJ, I am sharing with you my DJ and music business secrets that will help you become more successful with your DJ music and career. </p>

<p>If you like listening to music, updating up with the latest music trends, and playing pre-recorded music before a live audience, becoming a professional DJ may be the perfect for you. However, DJ involves much more than just simply playing records, CDs or MP3s for a group. You must learn how to effectively use DJ equipment and master the skill of seamlessly transitioning from one song to the next. You should be able to keep your crowd engaged, entertained, and most importantly, dancing. </p>

<p>Its also important to learn and understand how to control DJ equipment. This could be learning how to use vinyl turntables, CD players, laptop software & other. These are the popular ways to perform your music. DJ equipment can be expensive, if you haven't done any DJ before, it's a good idea try it out and get some practice before spending more of dollars on your own equipment. If you have a friend or relatives with DJ equipment, ask if you can practice using his equipment. You may also be able to use the equipment at a local bar or club during off hours if you have a good rapport with the owner or manager. Or you can also find this from other source whatever you know. </p>

<p> If you have access to equipment, practice as much as you can. The players and mixer will have several different functions, such as cross-faders, gain, volume, pitch, and so forth. Practice playing around with the different controls to experience what they are doing and learn how to manipulating them to get different effects. Practice switching back and forth or fifth between songs and alternating between your two players since this is arguably the most important skill a DJ must possess. Deliberately make mistakes so that when you make errors during a live performance, you are more likely to know how to fix the problem. </p>

<p>Consider your own free party or DJ at a friend's house. In that way, you will be able to practice your skills in front of a sympathetic audience. So you will likely be less nervous than if you were DJ for a large group of audience. Also, since you aren't getting paid you'll have nothing to lose if you make any mistakes. After your set, ask friends for feedback, find out yourself what the attendees did and didn't enjoy and use this information to perfect your style and technique. Once you have caught the basic skills, you may be able to practice your skills at a small local radio station or college show. </p>

<p>Its important for you as a DJ to develop your own personal style of music. This way when people come to see your show they will have a good Idea about what sort of music you play! Your aim is to entertain a crowd with the right music. You want to appeal to a certain niche of music lovers. Once you master this you will be know as the DJ who plays, rock, soul, hip hop, house or whatever music you perform to a crowd. </p>

<p>Once you feel you're now ready to DJ professionally, go out and promote yourself. It's a good idea to create a website with basic information about you and your skill where people can go to find out more about you if they are interested. Also print some leaflets and some business card that you can distribute to interested parties in your local. </p>

<p>If you're interested for DJ at clubs, visit clubs in your area and introduce yourself to the manager or owner. It's possible that you may if find a club that happens to be in need of a DJ, but, if not, be sure to leave a good impression and a business card behind so they can contact you if they will need DJ in the future. If you live in a big city or locality, it may also be possible to forge an affiliation with a management or booking agency that will help you find program, although you may have to pay a registration fee. </p>

<p>If you interested in learning more, Tired of searching the net for tutorials that only give you limited info. Want to learn from a proven method that has helped hundreds if not thousands of beginner DJs? Then, please visit /shop/index.php. </p>

<p>Follow these steps for you to success in your carrier. You just need to be persistent with it, that's all. I wish you the best of luck with it! </p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Sunday 23 September 2012

How to write a successful song - Other

<p>After my extensive background in the music industry, I became a song writer. Up until that point I was a record store owner, DJ, tracking engineer, mixing engineer, musician, producer with a fancy music school diploma. I wrote songs before that moment, but to tell you the honest truth most of them were so bad that even I had a hard time listening to them. I did to a great verse once, but as much as I tried too I didn't know how it happened. I just couldn't put my finger on what was it that made me so talented that day. What I did hear around me was that to be successful at anything you had to do it daily. This concept has worked for everything else that I was already doing and so I plunged into writing. I wrote for over a year, and it wasn't every day since I did get frustrated a lot but was able to pull of about a verse a week. This was a busy time in my life and I didn't really need to make money from the writing so it was more of a long practice session that came in ver
y useful later.Not long after I met up with a few artists, it was decided for me that they wanted me in the group and not only as a producer, engineer, and composer but also as the leader of the band. This was in the foreign language music scene in case someone starts doing research on whether I'm full of it or not. It did start in the boroughs of New York; if that brings you any closer. The first two songs that we created were based off of two verses that I wrote in the previous year and was holding close to me for just this type off occasion. I also had snippets from other ones that I thought were good enough for me to recycle. Now, since I knew it was serious I set down and was writing constantly. After a couple weeks I was able to do it waiting for the train and memorize the entire sections in my head. This became so helpful during live shows later on, as I have saved our group from major embarrassment time after time. Out of my two albums, I had five top ten songs playi
ng on the radio. Two out of them were in the top five positions for almost a year, and out of these two... my main hit wouldn't budge from the number one spot for almost six months. The toughest part of writing a successful song is getting focused, or getting in the zone as some say it. This usually started for me either after listening to a good beat for a very long time... sometimes even hours, or having a very clear concept. One of the songs that I had a clear concept for was written in about an hour, and I knew it was going to be a hit before I even touched the paper since I had so many songs behind my belt already. Can I write a hit song every time? No. There are many times that I have great focus, but the songs come out mediocre for a number of reasons. Either, I did not have a clear concept, and the song was all over the place. It could have been the production, or I was just lazy on the microphone. Sometimes trying to be very authentic hurts you as well, and although
there has to be a human element in your music it should also keep your listeners attention. After recording some of my songs, I would listen to them over and over and unless I heard something that got me every time things would get sliced and diced until I did. This might be hard to hear, but the only way to write good music is experience, practice and a little bit of talent.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Saturday 22 September 2012

The the art of the Dj--How to DJ - Entertainment - Music

<p>DJing has become a musical art form in its own right. If you want to learn how to DJ professionally there is a lot to learn and you will want to refer to some of the resources mentioned later in this article. </p>

<p>However if you just want to learn the basics of spinning and mixing your own tunes then this article will get you on your way to learn how to DJ mix like a Pro.</p>

<p>Lets begin with the definition of a DJ or "Disk Jockey". The original meaning of DJ is someone who selects music and plays it for an audience. </p>

<p>The DJ may perform on the radio, on TV, at a party, at a Rave, in a club or today even in a stadium setting with thousands of fans watching. </p>

<p>Originally this was done with vinyl records on a turntable but today it is done with all sorts of media either alone or in various combinations including:</p>

<p>Vinyl Records on multiple turntablesCD playersMP3 playersiPod/iphoneLaptop computers controlling DJ mixing SoftwareHow to DJ Mix:A typical DJ setup today consists two sound sources such as two turntables and a mixer. The DJ can monitor one record on a headphone while the other record is playing so he/she can set it up to begin playing at a specific point when the other record stops.</p>

<p>The mixer has a fader switch that allows the DJ to smoothly transition between the two decks and to control the various sound elements such as volume, EQ, Bass,Treble etc. A basic system will just have a simple mixer and two "Platters" as the record turntables are known.</p>

<p>CD based systems will have a pair of CD Decks instead of turntables and a mixer. In addition these units typically have whats called a "Jog wheel" that emulates a vinyl record deck. This can be used to control the music and can be run forward and backward to get a "scratching" effect. With the advent of MP3 players and the iPod music player it is common to see these music sources included in the mixer units.</p>

<p>An ipod dock is becoming commonly available in many models of dj equipment. Typically there would be two decks a mixer and an iPod deck allowing the DJ to play tunes from the ipod & the decks or to record his performances to the ipod itself.</p>

<p>Learn How to DJ:More sophisticated DJ units known as "software controllers" connect to a laptop computer via a fast USB MIDI interface that is running specialized DJ software. </p>

<p>The music is stored on the laptop & the controls on the mixer/deck unit control the software & thus the music. These units typically have "platters" with actual vinyl records that give the DJ the tactile feel of a vinyl record with the advantages of digital control. </p>

<p>There are many manufacturers of complete DJ Systems. One of my favorites is Numark. They provide a full range of different types of DJ equipment including:</p>

<p>dj in a boxiBattlePackTotal Computer DJ in a BoxMixdeckMixtrackNs7</p>

<p>Some of the common techniques & terminology used by the DJ include:</p>

<p>ScratchingCueingLoopingVirtual needle dropsBPMBeat MatchingThere are a number of DJ software packages available that can be used by a variety of different DJ systems. They include:</p>

<p>Serato ItchSerato Scratch LiveNumark CueVirtual DJTraktorMix meisterI have provided a link below that will show you the different types of DJ equipment available. The cost of DJ equipment varies greatly depending on the type and quality you are after, it can range anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars. You can learn how to DJ mix like a pro.</p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Friday 21 September 2012

Where Can You Learn To Be A DJ? - Entertainment

<p>Have you ever been on a night out at a club, having a great time dancing and singing along to the tunes, when the DJ suddenly pulls out a bit of magic by splicing in another track or lifting the room with a quick bit of digital magic? These are the moments which make people turn to the DJ booth and bow down to their genius. Also, these moments are what can encourage lots of people to aspire towards being a DJ themselves. The fact is that becoming a DJ really isnt that hard at all. Learning the basics shouldnt take too long while, just like any skill, mastering the more advanced scratching and mixing techniques will take a lot more practice and experience. So where can you learn all this?At homeIf you are on a budget, then you might like to just learn at home. Assuming you have your own DJ gear, you can do this by getting books on DJ technique from the library, or by watching endless videos online which will teach you the basic skills. Learning at home gives you the freedom
to make mistakes and to get your technique down solid before you try to do anything in front of a crowd.On the radioOne sort of sideways route to learning how to be a DJ is to get a radio show. Universities and colleges often have campus radio which will allow you to have a show and play songs etc. But more importantly they will have a proper DJ set up which you can use to learn. Current presenters will be able to help you and you may even find that you enjoy working in radio, as after all, theyre DJs too.On the jobIf you are particularly impatient, maybe you want to just dive straight in. You wont be able to get a job at a club straight away without good experience but there are plenty of wedding DJ agencies who will welcome new recruits and wedding DJ London companies who can help you get started. It may just be putting CDs on but at least you can say you are a DJ.At collegeIf you are really serious about becoming a top DJ you need to go to music school or college. They w
ill teach you first about music theory and rhythm etc which will give you a solid base on which to build. Then they will be able to teach you about technique and the equipment etc until you are really quite proficient.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Thursday 20 September 2012

How to get paid gigs - Entertainment - Music

<p>Opening Act</p>

<p>Does your town/city have a big upcoming performance or concert? Well approach the promoters of the show to get yourself on the line to open for their top performer, this not only gives you more exposure but also helps to make yourself available as a contact of theirs for any of their future shows. Also, try to open for artists that have a similar music style to yours, this way you may be able to pull some new fans from the main acts fanbase!</p>

<p>Public Shows</p>

<p>You can have gigs all year round if you seek out performing acts at public shows, in restaurants, lounges, cruises, clubs etc. Places like restaurants and bars are always looking for fresh and exciting entertainment for their customers, also alot of clubs have certain days when they play different genres of music, this can be either played by a dj or live performances by local artists.Find out when your genre of music will played and carry a press kit of your work so you can get hired for the job.Another bonus of being on the club/restaurant artist roster? When special seasons come along Christmas/New Years, your earnings will skyrocket since live performances are most in demand at this time.</p>


<p>Are great for two artists seeking to increase their visibility by joining forces! With both your fanbases you can create a demand for your music! Contact a concert promoter and event planner to organise your own two, three or even four man show for your fans! it would also help each of you get extra support for your music from one anothers fans, especially when its time to promote that concert. Extra tip: get each of your fans to collectively request your songs on the radio as your concert date approaches. The radio doesnt have your song? Not for long! because with such a tremendous demand for an artist/song the radio station would have no choice but to please the people and play your songs the next time you hand them your demo!</p>


<p>Yes,its true, employers tend to hire people they like! get an interview with a local radio station of yours and talk about your newest project, why you do what you do and what you love about music. Try to show as much of your true personality as possible and how passionate you are about your music. Then let the radio station play your music - and only bring your best stuff. Make sure at the end to give your contact info if anyone would like you to perform at any of their events. Once people see how passionate you are about what you do they will share that passion too and just like that you get the job! On a side note: I know alot of radio stations may not show local artists as much attention or give them the respect to showcase their talent through an interview but that shouldnt stop you!, if you are having issues getting an interview or getting your music played with a national radio station- go to a web based station! There are many internet radio stations in existence n
ow, that show alot of support for local talent, and many of them have a large following too! So try them out!</p>

<p>In-Studio gigs</p>

<p>Many music studios from time to time, may have gigs available for back-up vocals of an artist doing a production of an album/mixtape etc. These may or may not be well known artists, but to ensure that you are one of the first to know if it is, get yourself well acquainted with a studio and do any background vocals they need,because, when doing studio gigs, if you are consistent and versatile, you may find yourself on tour with a big name artist in the industry.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Top 10 Most Irritating DJ Comments to Hear on the Road - Business

<p>Lets set the scene - youre grinding your way along at one mile an hour on, well, just about any of Britains motorways these days! Youve listened to your own music until youre word-perfect, and bored, so you decide to switch on the radio. (Well, it was either that or slipping into your usual rant about haulage companies schedules, the UKs roads and governments indifference to your predicament as a professional driver!)</p>

<p>Just when you thought it couldnt get worse, you start getting a selection of DJ comments as you scan the frequencies:</p>

<p>1. Its a beautiful day today folks... - not if youre sitting in a huge traffic jam it isnt;</p>

<p>2. The holidays are nearly here yippee you probably feel like youll still be sitting in the same jam by the time the holidays arrive;</p>

<p>3. This songs guaranteed to cheer you up how do they know? If youve been sitting staring at the same my other cars a Ferrari sticker in front for the past two hours, then Justin Biebers voice suddenly exploding out of the speakers is unlikely to send your spirits soaring to new heights of ecstasy;</p>

<p>4. Heres a new one from well, it may be new if youre under 10 but if you can remember the third cover in 1997, the second in 1986, the first in 1979 and the original of 1973, then youll probably want to put your boot through the radio (apart from anything else, it just reminds you how ancient you are);</p>

<p>5. Todays a day when everybodys happy - once again, just how do they know? Did they consult you? Did they telephone everyone in the traffic jam to survey their current state of contentedness?</p>

<p>6. A heads-up for drivers and haulage companies - were getting news of a minor hold-up and possible delays on this is always guaranteed to get you chewing your nails ragged with rage. Just how out-of-date is their news? Is their helicopter flying overhead totally incapable of seeing the nightmare youre stuck in given theyre talking about possible delays? Maybe theyre talking about a different jam that took place yesterday and theyve only just got around to reporting it;</p>

<p>7. Serious problems for motorists and haulage companies due to problems reported on the . there then follows an extensive list of motorways, A-roads and traffic jams BUT the one youre on/in doesnt even get a mention;</p>

<p>8. Heres everybodys favourite is there a piece of music anywhere that everyone universally loves? This can be even more inclined to drive you towards abandoning your vehicle when the much-loved tones of Clive Dunns Grandad start to echo around your cab;</p>

<p>9. The station that brings you great music - maybe so, but when exactly? Youve been listening to it for what seems like eternity and so far all youve heard is inane banter between two so-called celebrity DJs and a pulse-racing interview with someone that collects vintage straw hats. </p>

<p>Of course, these DJs and stations serve a beneficial purpose for haulage companies they keep the drivers occupied when in jams by constantly flicking around trying to find something less irritating!</p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Which Special Occasion or Party DJs Are The Best? - Entertainment

<p>We are having a party tonight, and we are going to have a great time. If that sounds familiar, then you will have an even better time if you have the either the Lansing DJs or Grand Rapids DJs performing at your party. After all, a party is supposed to be a special event, and what could possibly be better for a special event, than providing your guest the very best music possible. </p>

<p>Every party, wedding reception, or outdoor social gathering should have some kind of music. After all, you are going to supply the best food, the best wine, beer, and spirits, why would you ever not want to provide your guests the best music also.</p>

<p>Both the Lansing DJs and the Grand Rapids DJs can be booked ahead of time, and it is recommended. If you need an emergency booking, because you forgot to do it sooner, why not give them a call, and see if they are still available? </p>

<p>If you are concerned about the type of music that they will play, please do not be. Because they are professionals, and they have a extremely large portfolio of sounds, which can be performed to meet any special request that you might have. </p>

<p>It does not matter, if you like 60's rock and roll, or up to date pop chart toppers, you can be sure that these one of a kind DJS have it all. They are very well known in the local communities as the absolutely the best DJS there are.</p>

<p>Maybe if you lived in New York or Los Angeles, you could find better DJS, and then again maybe not. They have a ton of experience, and most of them have been on the radio for many years now. In fact, this is just one of their part time gigs they do to bring in a little extra cash every now and then, when they are not working at their full time jobs. </p>

<p>If you are a regularly on the local club seen, you more than likely have heard them many times before, but you just do not realize it. If you happen to be worried about the cost associated with hiring the very best there is, please do not be.</p>

<p>These guys and girls love what they do, and if they are not already booked that night, more than likely they will be able to beat any other offers you might have already gotten from just average performers. </p>

<p>When you first give them a call, make sure you tell them exactly what you are looking for. You want to let them know what time the party starts, how long they are going to play, what type of people that are going to be there, how wild and crazy you want them to get, what type of music you are looking for, and whatever else you can think of that they should know.</p>

<p>If you book either the Lansing DJs or the Grand Rapids DJs you can be absolutely certain that your party will be a smashing success for both you and your guest. That is, if the food is anywhere close to being as good as the music is.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Monday 17 September 2012

How To Get The Greatest Software package For Defeat Producing For You - Advertising

<p>Just due to the fact it is costly isn't going to necessarily imply it is in the least far better than the other people. The fact is beat producing computer software differs in appeal very significantly. Finest thing at this time is to hold a set spending budget to go by, and store close to!Most sellers are likely to state comprehensive descriptions of what their software program can offer, which will enable you to generate a more correct determination on your software. Even though numerous programmers do produce some awkward software package to navigate around, so keep an eye open for reviews in relation to the software package. Now when it arrives to novices, checking out this type of details can be a good deal like knowledge a new language. I think the ideal selection to purchase the greatest computer software for beat producing for novices is to begin low cost. Remaining inside a $one hundred finances would probably be the greater alternative. It might audio like a phas
e back but it would be an excellent place to start off for a rookie and would assist you build the expertise to make a range of incredible creations later on. If you are entirely new to beat producing you can uncover different cost-free software program on the internet to use, but really don't count on them to be considerably great.Hopefully with this data you ought to be capable to uncover the very best software package for defeat making for you.Think you're a down and dirty fan of techno, crunk, reggae, dance, urban, or almost every kind of music genre? Do you just hope you may choose to and conveniently create the similar fantastic sounding music and blow lots of people away? Now, together with the development of websites, it truly is normally ultimately possible. The best software in making beats recently surfaced and it is capturing the favorite songs production software industry by storm. Dub Turbo is gaining its option to the peak of this evaluations meant for music p
roduction software system. It really will be irrelevant if an individual has rarely ever even ventured to offer music before nor do they want virtually any legitimate knowledge of tempo, time signatures, and music reading. Although you may haven't much touched a sequencer at all in your life, the best software for producing beats has the planning power to aid just about anyone, even a 4-year-old, get started on delivering prime billboard-level audio. Nearly all prospects discover that the minute these people get cracking, they're really fulfilled with what they are capable of producing just in a mere simply minutes of checking out this best software for manufacturing beats. A great number are absolutely amazed that their own musical projects can sound for the same to the premium quality beats that have been listened to on the radio and appreciated in clubs by way of professional DJs. With Dub Turbo, the most beneficial software for creating beats, there's minimal learning cu
rve. The software can be so exceedingly versatile and is actually bundled with the right technology and great numbers of sounds, sequences, as well as mixing strategies, that anyone could benefit from when using the program. You're assigned admittance to thousands upon 1000s of quality sounds and additionally sequences from many different instruments that reasonable as genuine just as one instrumental symphony. Primarily the best software to make beats includes this many sounds to choose from, as well as a substantial learning area that will assist you to implement selected combined and sequential strategies to see the best music works of art conceivable! One special more benefit regarding Dub Turbo will be that they provide you with the service of getting help become exposed through your music, even though you wish as a top professional audio producer or if you already just would basically decide to sell several sounds on iTunes.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Sunday 16 September 2012

Rap Beats - How To Become A Successful Rapper or Singer In Today's Music Industry - Entertainment - Music

<p>Rap beats for sale attainable on the internet are a great and useful resource for rappers. They help to make the typical tune creation task straightforward and versatile. However, just what will be the most significant ambitions for purchasing these types of rap beats and r&b beats? Now i am truly happy you would like to get into the music business. But it is a very hard thing to pursue. Nonetheless, it's most definitely more possible right now than in the past. In addition, the best thing is individuals are able to do it for a lot less cash compared to the past as well. It does not even matter your location or where you come from. Yes, it becomes more difficult for you to do while you're in Africa than if you're in America, however it's definitely doable. You will have to "do it yourself." You won't have to wait around for an executive producer, manager or record label in order to begin your career. You're able to do nearly everything yourself. What you have to do is make
the best use of the options you have. And then when you've demonstrated to the labels that you can really do it yourself and gain fans all on your own, they are going to come crashing down your door to sign you to a record deal. Firstly let's be real: if you are totally serious with regards to making music your goal in life - it'll cost some dollars. There's no avoiding it. But remember, it's not spending money. It's investment in your music career, so you can make money from it in the future! </p>

<p>And so the first thing in making it as a serious MC or performer is to get your hands on a few beats and instrumentals for use with your tunes. It could be more costly if you purchase exclusive rap beats and non-exclusive beats for sale, however, you will sooner or later need to actually buy your own beats for sale after your career becomes more successful. Just in case you can't afford to spend a lot on exclusive beats then simply decide to purchase lease rap beats so that you will have some type of music to sing over which you are entitled to distribute - these are much cheaper and sound amazing. Besides, you are not often able to sell or license your new music that you have recorded with beats you get for free.</p>

<p>Right after you've got your rap beats or free beats and instrumentals (the center of your career as a music artist or rap artist), next you will want to write and record your vocals. Spend time on this and be absolutely certain your vocals are perfect and you've memorized them and practiced them a large amount before you record. When you are ready to record, if you're able to find some cheaper studio gear for use with your computer (a microphone and pro audio sound card) then you can certainly do the recording by yourself. You'll have to quickly learn how to utilize certain programs like, for example, GarageBand or Reaper. However it's not necessarily all that difficult. You save a ton of dollars by recording your own lyrics. These software applications make it easier to record your tune. If you can't or really don't have time to learn or do it on your own hire a studio in your own local town for you to record your verses. Also a basement or project recording studio is fin
e - you don't have to record with a massive, more costly facility.</p>

<p>Now that you've gotten your song recorded, you'll require mixing and mastering services which means your song will sound commercial - so it sounds like it was recorded within the exact same recording studio as Nicki Minaj, Jay-Z or any other major musician. If you really are serious about your music career this action is very important! This is usually a little bit pricey however it's worth the money. No one in the world will think you're serious as a rap artist or musician should your new music seem less than professional and bunk. For those who really want to embark on a music career, you must be seen as industry players. And mixing and mastering is the way you get that done. You should not sleep on this aspect - you've got to get the songs mixed and mastered. You could always learn to really try this yourself, but it's preferable to contract this to some engineer. It is a somewhat systematic and intricate task that requires years of education and practice to complete su

<p>Right after you've got a song you choose or a collection of new music prepared you are ready to get the songs on the market and get discovered (by fans). Yes, it takes time, effort and money, but you'll end up so pleased with yourself when you've got a genuine music product you can promote. In regards to promoting your songs, the internet can be your best friend. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are wonderful strategies to publicize yourself. However, you need a home base where your own supporters can look to be updated on you. Get yourself a web site and additionally begin a blog. Make sure to perpetually release new tracks, stories, videos, pictures along with other content keeping your fans involved and truly interested in you. You must publicize yourself in your state as well. Go out and give your tracks to all the radio stations and DJs you can think of. After this you'll want to go and perform at a number of local shows allowing you to perform your tracks
live. Before long you will start generating new followers so you can develop a following that will help you with your career.</p>

<p>The important key to making it within the music industry now days is generally to do all of it yourself for a short time. That's the storyline with numerous famous rappers similar to Lil Wayne and Drake - they all begun by working on every aspect independently. It's fully possible getting started with your music career by yourself - and that is precisely what you ought to do! It might need money to make it happen properly, but nevertheless you should consider it a great investment in your career. It's always worthwhile. There is the capability to reach a great number of future fans of your tunes which will help boost your career thus making you a super star. You have to take action and put in the work! And remember not to be afraid to spend cash on this for everybody who is serious. It's more affordable than in the past to have a highly professional lp, mixtape or single. If you won't invest in your career, no one else is going to be prepared to, not even fans.</p>

<p>Rap beats are crucial when producing your tunes, but don't overlook the remainder of the business side of the industry - specifically if you desire to become successful from it. I hope this helped shed some light on the business for newer rappers who do not fully grasp the place to begin. Thanks for reading!</p>

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Saturday 15 September 2012

How To Start a DJ Service Business - Business - Business Ideas

<p>If you like parties, dancing and music, and are looking to earn extra money, then consider opening a DJ Business. A DJ is in high demand for; events, weddings, birthdays and just about any type of social gathering. Being a Disk Jockey can be done either part time to supplement your income or as a full time career.</p>

<p>The first thing about becoming a DJ is that it is not only about the music. You will have to learn how to entertain the audience and keep them interested. The most successful DJs will have a microphone and use it to get the crowd excited. Many of the events which you will be performing at will require some type of interaction with the audience including; being an announcer, introducing people or entertaining them. A good positive, dynamic and upbeat attitude will help tremendously.</p>

<p>If you feel you have what it takes to entertain a party event, then the next step is to buy the best quality DJ Equipment which you can afford. The basic mobile DJ Equipment you will need are: 2 CD Players, A Turntable, Power Amplifier, Speakers, Audio Mixer, Wireless Microphone and Cables. Additional DJ Back-up Supplies you should include are a flashlight, extra cords, carrying cases, duct tape and a small tool kit. Many companies sell complete DJ Packages and systems which contain everything needed. If you do not have the money for a complete package you can start small and build up or buy used DJ equipment from auction or classified ad sites.</p>

<p>Taking care of business is as easy as: 1.) Naming your business. 2.) Obtaining a local business license. 3.) Getting a Tax ID Number. 4.) Opening up a bank account and 5.) Getting Professional made flyers and business cards. Once you take care of city and/or county business requirements, it is always a good idea to get some type of General Liability Insurance. If you are not sure what type of insurance to obtain for your new business it is always best to speak to an insurance agent or to a business attorney.</p>

<p>Now all you will need to do is get enthusiastic, get motivated and get your groove on! The DJ business is a super way to meet many new people and develop future business contacts. Start by investing in some DJ Equipment, open up your business and pass out your cards and flyers. By keeping the party exciting, not only will you have fun, you will be earning an excellent income too.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Friday 14 September 2012

How to Select the Right Entertainment to Ensure that Your Next Special Event Rocks - Business

<p>Choosing the right kind of entertainment or combinations of entertainments for your event will pose a lot of amusing predicaments before you. If the budget is hefty the predicament grows as you are now presented with more choices. Should you hire a DJ to make the dance program a truly memorable one or should you arrange for poker games so that the guests enjoy every moment of wining and losing stakes? Or would the audience prefer soft blue songs? Would the comedy show be a hit if it is paired with fortune telling? Or should the fire eaters be allowed to take on the stage after the dances are over? Should the event be open with a magic show? These are the types of issues you will face when choosing the right entertainment for your event. </p>

<p>You should keep in mind the type of guests that will come to the special event.. Will the entertainment items go down well with them? If it's a young and challenge loving audience they will love watching and participating in inflatable games where players will be pitted against each other to test the various skills of the competition. If there are kids accompanied by their parents they would revel in playing inflatable games. Kids would also enjoy the magic shows. Younger audiences would prefer the music to be hard and fast. A rap artist can capture their attention. Female guests would love the idea of a fortune teller, especially telling them about the future of their relationships. </p>

<p>Mature adults and seniors would prefer slow dance numbers and soulful music. The karaoke should play slow and soft numbers for them and the DJ should have knowledge of the songs. They would also like a game of poker. They will also love performances with the piano, violin, and saxophone. Brainy and intelligent people would appreciate the idea of a quiz show. And everybody would love the stand-up comedian if he is good enough. Again here there is a choice, whether to hire a top notch established comedian or try a rising stand-up comedian. Humorous motivational speakers are a hit in many events. They motivate and keep the audience in splits. </p>

<p>Some guests prefer belly dancing, snake charmers, waiters dressed in a particular way, a hypnotism show, look alikes/impersonators, etc. The sportive types wouldn't prefer sitting and watching. They would like to try their hands at various fun sports such as: human table football, gladiator pole joust, sitting on a mechanical rodeo bull etc. The best of all choices is: hire a celebrity to show up at your event and be assured that it's going to be a memorable one for everyone </p>

<p>You need to have a fair amount of knowledge of the composition of your guest list based on their age, gender, tastes, and preferences. Of course they are your employees and you can make a good guess of the entertainment items that they would like. Roughly the rules described above apply to the guests. The final choice however can be made depending on the type of budget you have. </p>

<p>The bottom line is: in all this the help rendered by special event companies would go a long way in making your event a rocking one. But your ideas are what matter most. A combination of the two would ensure that the guests remember the event for years to come or may be a lifetime for the amusing entertaining shows.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Thursday 13 September 2012

How To Become A Top DJ - Entertainment

<p>Have you ever dreamed of becoming a top DJ? It becomes a reality with action, but what action? How do you go from being a beginner to someone who DJ's to thousands and is a top DJ? In this article, you will soon discover some advice and hints.</p>

<p>There are so many different jobs in the world, but so few offer the ability to feel like a rock star! Who wants to be a rock star anyway, but a DJ, now that is something for today, is fun, and does a lot of good to a lot of people.</p>

<p>So how do you get started? First and foremost, you will need to have a pair of decks, also called a record player or turntable.</p>

<p>This is the most basic equipment, and is the equipment of a DJ, as well as mixer, but let's not complicate issues! However in essence a DJ has a few things he works with and that is the turntables, the mixer and records or CD's.</p>

<p>More records or CD's you have, the better. You likely know the kind of music you would like to play, so the first step is to build up on your favorite records or CD's (depending on what kind of turntable you choose to buy).</p>

<p>Practice is essential. It is so essential and needs to be done professionally. There is no room for an hour a week or now and again. Practice must be done regularly and often, like each day.</p>

<p>For many people this is a hobby, but if you want to be a big time top DJ, you will need to eat and sleep DJ'ing. Once your skill level is big, you can't start to record demo's and give them out to friends, and promoters.</p>

<p>Another great avenue is to start DJ'ing for internet radio stations. The result is that your name begins to get known. Then it becomes easier to get a gig at an event.</p>

<p>With a lot of effort a hobby can be turned into a super star career. It begins and ends with practice, but the results can be immense.</p>

<p>To summarize, first you will need a good pair of turntables. If you want to get onto internet radio DJ'ing, then I suggest getting a pair with USB, which will allow interfacing with the computer. Then stock up on tunes, either records or CD's, depending on what kind of turntables you have or are looking to buy.</p>

<p>It is a good idea to go with records, but then again CD's are easier to work with. You can easily put music onto CD and start mixing with them. However, the choice is yours.</p>

<p>The next step is to practice, practice, practice, until your friends can listen and feel good about what you play. Then it is time to take it further!

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Wednesday 12 September 2012

How to become a successful wedding vendor - Business

<p>Wedding service industry is a huge market in the UK, which covers thousands of businesses. Unlike other industries, the definition of wedding service industry is much broader. Take market segments for example, it includes brides' dresses and accessories, clothing and accessory hire, wedding cake maker, jewelers, venue decoration, photography and video, DJ and music, Marquee hire, florists, wedding planners, transportation, etc. According to a recent UK wedding market research, there are nearly 10,000 floristry businesses, 15,000 wedding photographers, over 3,600 bridal wear retailers and over 3,700 wedding planners. The annual sales of vendors could range from thousands to millions of pounds given their business scale. The large number of players and unevenly distributed sales has made the competition within the industry extremely intensive.</p>

<p>Basically vendors in this sector could be classified into two categories, i.e. product vendor and service vendor. In the following part, we are going to discuss the important issues of both types and possible ways to enhance their product/service value to customers.</p>

<p>What is product vendor</p>

<p>Product vendors are companies which basically sell products to brides and grooms. Product vendors involve brides' dresses companies, wedding linen companies, cake maker, jewelers, florists, etc. Their target client not only includes end customers (mostly brides) but also trade companies such as chair cover companies, rent companies, wedding planners, etc. Like traditional manufacturing industries, competition in this sub-sector focuses on price and quality. During the economic downturn, cheap wedding has become a common objective for most couple-to-be. Thus good price and quality are important criteria before customers make final purchase decision. In the meantime, delivery time is also considered to be important as your delivery can NEVER miss the wedding date. To stand out from the competition:</p>

<p>1. Supplying full range of products is highly recommended, which not only convince brides your ability to supply high quality products but also attracts startup trade companies looking for a long-term supplier.2. Make every customer satisfied with your product. As friend recommendation and word-of-mouth play an important role, they are your powerful marketing tools.3. New products are the future. Current products supplied on the market are almost homogeneous. Creativity and innovation are the only way to make business sustainable.</p>

<p>what is service vendor</p>

<p>Service vendors are engaged in providing wedding services before or on the wedding day. Service vendors include wedding planners, rent companies, photographers and videos, DJ and music, transportation, etc. Service vendors sometimes are clients of products vendors such as wedding planners who will buy or hire wedding linen from wedding linen companies. Unlike product vendors, the service vendors face a tougher competition because the entry barrier is low. Thus the ability to make a difference, source good product vendors and organization skills are key factors.</p>

<p>how to increase your service value</p>

<p>To make a difference, it is important to step ahead of competitors. Service vendors could work closely with product vendors to develop new products in order to launch them to market as the NO. 1. New products are useful to enhance brand recognition and increase market share. Additionally, to make a difference, service vendors could also try to deliver current services tonew marketplaces. Even if restricted by geography, franchise is a good idea to quickly grow your business to nationwide.</p>

<p>Find a good product vendor and stay with it. A good product vendor could give you high quality product at competitive price. Most importantly, it will give you the new idea and help you to lead or follow the trend.</p>

<p>Organization skills are extremely important for wedding planners. Wedding is always a long and complicated organization process. It involves numerous discussion, modification and final work. Of course, exceptional organization skills will bring you more new brides recommended by their friends.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Tuesday 11 September 2012

How to record SHOUTcast radio stations - Technology

<p>SHOUTcast is a huge and fast-growing Internet radio directory and free-of-charge audio streaming server solution. Both hobbyists and professionals from any part of the world are enabled to create their own online radio station for free. That is why the number of SHOUTcast users grows rapidly since its launch. Now over 30.000 online radio stations are hosted - tremendous free music source you can stay tuned with. Well, it would be nice to record some new hits or any great song you always forget the name of. The few simple requirements here should be: no audio quality loss, correct song tagging and automatic exclusion of any commercials and DJ speech (record music only). RadioGet online radio recorder suits these requirements and becomes the editor's choice.</p>

<p>RadioGet can record thousands of free Internet radio stations of SHOUTcast standard, when streaming audio comes in MP3 format. While recording, the software accurately recognizes music downloads by available metadata and separates them into MP3 files. RadioGet installs its own imbedded database with approximately 25.000 online radio stations. They all are arranged by music genre/sub-genre that makes navigation much easier. For more accurate results, RadioGet user can browse the database using Search feature by station title or music genre.</p>

<p>In case your favorite stations are missing, you can always add them manually. On SHOUTcast radio stations can be heard either online via SHOUTcast player or with installed digital media players e.g. Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes etc. To play the station, save its playlist PLS file to your computer. After that you may record it. Launch RadioGet, click "Add Station" button and point on desired playlist file on your computer. If the radio station's playlist file has some other extension (M3U, ASX), there's still a way to create PLS file manually and record online radio station with RadioGet. Open any PLS file in text editor and replace the desired stream address and port. The required URL address and port you may copy from M3U/ASX file properties. Save the new file with PLS extension and add to RadioGet library.</p>

<p>RadioGet online radio recorder can download songs from several Internet stations simultaneously. But don't forget to control your computer performance in case it's not very fast. Recorded MP3 files will be sorted according to the artist name in application output folder. You can also use RadioGet as easy to use radio player and start/stop online radio recording by demand.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Monday 10 September 2012

Old Record Players: How to Find One - Hobbies - Collecting

<p>Old record players can be difficult to find. Back in the 70's old record players ruled the market and could be found anywhere. I remember, when I was a little boy these old record players were really in, even we had one in our house. It was a huge record player and had many stereo functions in it. The entire thing was fixed in a cabinet. My mother loved collecting singles, she used to play them on the player and then dance with me and my brother in the living room. Times then were amazing it was just us and the old record players. We did not have cable T.V and had only three channels on our television, so our source of enjoyment was restricted to old record players. Nowadays even the record players have evolved; they now come as USB record players that can be played on the home computer. </p>

<p>Old record players are very hard to find nowadays in the shops and locality stores. If you are looking for old record players then search for them on ecommerce websites like eBay. eBay holds many different kinds of old record players, from the 60s to 70s and vintage looking to the ones with high tech look. Before choosing a record player you should determine why you want to buy a record player. Old record players can be bought for either leisurely listening of vinyl collection or to be used by a DJ. Determining the purpose of your buying is really important because for both purposes there are totally different old record players. </p>

<p>Another place to look for old record players is at retro stores and antique fairs. In antique fairs you can find a huge variety of old record players, giving you many options to choose from. Retro old record players can also be found at these fairs, but their prices are a bit high as they are of retro. However, if you are a fan of retro old record players then you should definitely buy them as they are always worth the money. Before purchasing old record players especially retro players always remember that their parts are almost impossible to find anywhere so be sure of your decision and once you have purchased them take real care of them for as long as you can. </p>

<p>Check out a Vintage Record Player at / and bring back that vintage record player sound!

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Thursday 6 September 2012

How To Choose A Record Bag - Shopping - Electronics

<p>DJ's or disc jockeys always have their equipments handy. Those equipments are related to their role as the human music player for the people's entertainment. Among the needed tools and equipments that they must always have around with them their headsets, CDs, portable amplifiers, mini-stereos, stylus cartridge, cell phone, scratch amp, and many more. As you see, these items have to be secured and taken cared of. A DJ wouldn't risk placing it all in an ordinary backpack or in a plastic canister. If he does so, the tools and equipments would be damaged, and ultimately will not be working anymore. </p>

<p>The right container for all of these is a record bag. A record bag is like a holdall bag for DJs. It practically carries all of the items needed by the DJ or any musician. But it doesn't just simply carry it all, it as a matter of fact holds all the items securely away from possible damages. This bag may be quite pricey compared to regular messenger bags and backpacks that some would usually prefer. But the price is just worth paying for because it can assure you that all of your things are kept and protected well enough by this bulky bag.</p>

<p>The size of the bag just only shows how spacious it is that it can hold items of any weight and size, given that these are the needed items of musicians or DJs in their line of work. But despite of its bulkiness, this bag is actually really soft. The fabric is not like plastic that can scratch your skin. You can only just imagine how this bag hugs all of your necessities inside. Also, this bag is very light to carry around because it is made of lightweight materials.This bag has a slanted cover. The reason for that is for it to give way for the CDs or records. And with a slanted closure, it allows the owner to browse through the records with ease. </p>

<p>This bag is really amazing because it is actually waterproof and weatherproof. The thick yet soft outer lining of this bag is its way of protecting itself from impacts and spilled fluids. It has multiple compartments for smaller items. Each compartment is sealed using a durable zipper or Velcro. And to top it all off, the security just doesn't stop there. </p>

<p>The entire bag is secured by its provision for the use of padlocks. The padlock is closed and secured by using a security code. And in case this bag is misplaced or forgotten somewhere, it can be easily returned by the person who has found it because there is an enclosed ID tag where the owner can write down his name and contact details.</p>


<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Wednesday 5 September 2012

How to Help Others Break Off World of Warcraft Addiction? - Computers - Computer Games

<p>World of Warcraft, the world's most famous MMORPG game, causes millions of people immerge into it and can't control themselves to stop or leave it. Certainly, it is really very difficult for players to break off the addiction for World of Warcraft once you addicted to it. But it is considered even more harder for a person to persuade another person to stop playing wow. During play, players can talk to others and gather together to defeat people. However the real war is the war of getting their loved ones off the game forever.If you have difficulty to break one's addiction for World of Warcarft, try the following methods:1. Found out what has caused his/her addiction.If you don't know the reason, ask him/her what makes World of Warcraft so appealing to him/her? Some may answer because there are different continents that he never go to, so he like to experience them. Others may answer achieve leveling up his character makes him happy and enrich. Whatever the reason is, try t
o minimize this happiness in WoW, and make it a pleasure that he/she could also get in every day life.2. Try to compromise by making deals. WOW addicters will not want to stop playing if they can't get some compromise from you. If you really want him/her to stop, take something you like to do and put it on the table. For example, If you stop playing WoW, I will stop watching soap operas. Also, since it is difficult for both of you to completely giving up something, instead both of you can limit your play time.3. Show him/her the interest post on a blog which was written by a former officer for a top World of Warcraft raiding guild, this person gave up playing wow, his reasons are as following:I just left WoW permanently. I was a leader in one of the largest and most respected guilds in the world, a well-equipped and well-versed mage, and considered myself to have many close friends in my guild. Why did I leave? Simple: Blizzard has created an alternate universe where we don'
t have to be ourselves when we don't want to be. From my vantage point as a guild decision maker, I've seen it destroy more families and friendships and take a huge toll on individuals than any drug on the market today, and that means a lot coming from an ex-club DJ.After know this, ask him/her to reduce play time, go out and meet friends as often as possible. Ask he/she to think about his/her wow addiction, maybe one of the reasons is about his/her friends in game, he/she wants to meet them online, so try to play and communicate with real life friends.4. keep positive and loving. You'll never get through to anyone if you are mean and uncaring, even with a punishment. Maybe he is stressed at work and that's why he plays. Maybe its something else. Don't "send him to his room" when he can't play, do something with him. Let him/her feel you are more important than game. 5. If all of this have no effects to you, persuade him/her to play a different online game to break addiction
for wow.When he/she wants to play wow, try to play another not so addictive game like EVE or some other games instead. This game requires less attention and won't be so addictive as wow, so he/she can stop playing anytime he/she want. Try for many times, eventually his/her addiction to wow may reduce.Is there any one you care most addicted to World of Warcraft? Do you have difficulty to persuade him/her to leave wow? After reading and using the following methods, your problem will go away.Related: Have You Addicted to World of Warcraft? About WGT Online:WGT Online ( ) offers World of Warcraft gold, Aion kinah, Star Trek Online energy credits, Final Fantasy XI gil, Age of Conan gold and EverQuest II platinum. It also just expanded its services to include Lotro gold, DFO Gold, Eve Online isk and Allods Online gold. If you buy wow gold or buy aion kina or other mmo game virtual currency, I believe you will be satisfied.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Learn how to DJ - Entertainment - Music

<p>The first and most foremost decision you need to make is " do you like music"? Of course everyone does, sounds silly, but do you REALLY like music, and not just your own preference - can you listen to rock, house, alternative, rap, 60's etc. You may not need to love other types, but you have to appreciate music!</p>

<p>Becoming a DJ can be a long process but also expensive. The rewards of succeeding will be worth it, but it will take hard work, lots of practice and strange hours!</p>

<p>To get started with your new DJ'ing career you will require access to audio equipment, preferably your own. When we started, I hijacked my dads stereo system and got my hands on a DJ mixer. Maybe its not a great idea since I destroyed it and took a whole world of trouble! The truth though is it was got us started. So to get off the ground you will need a decent DJ mixer, a power amplifier and speakers to match the amplifier. I do not suggest that you spend your only money on the only system you can afford as it won't be long before you are looking at a new system. You need decent systems! People do not like distorted or top heavy sound, it will ruin your reputation before you even get going. You will also need a media source, if using CD's/MP3 then dual pitch control players, you can also get hard drive type players, PC etc. There's generally a lot more control from vinyl or CD though and it still the preferred. For vinyl, maybe a couple SL1200 technic turntables, but they
don't come cheap! At the very least the turntables must have pitch (speed) control. Concentrate on decent sound before you invest in lights, sound will get you further than lights! If you really are not sure what sound to get, get help with experienced people. We have contact information on our web that can assist with your selections</p>

<p>What type of DJ are you going to become? Again, sounds obvious... "A DJ"! It's not really just that simple, mobile DJ's music selection will be very different to club DJ selection of music. If you ONLY have RAP in your music collection, you will have to broaden you music base in order to do mobile DJ'ing. I thinks its fair to say in terms of music, you will learn the most as a mobile DJ and gain experience with everything from 60's music to latest charts house/rap/modern etc. If your music collection is a set type of music only, you may have to consider club immediately but the reality is not many clubs will let you onto there decks without some experience to show! A mobile rig will teach you music why? - Consider the music you will be playing at a 50 year birthday party versus an 18th birthday party. They are going to be completely different styles of music in general, more rock n' roll at the one and latest charts at the other... but you never what is going to make peopl
e tick at the party, that's what makes it so interesting. When everyone goes home before you, you stuffed up! When you have to close and most of the people are still on the dance floor... you feel good because you are!</p>

<p>You need to learn to mix! Generally a good start is when mixing between 2 songs, do not try to drag the mix out for a minute, make it fairly quick smooth 5 - 15 seconds or so. Don't have both songs playing at full level at all when learning, if its wrong it sounds awful! Practice the long beat for beat mixes at home first. You will need to learn to count music in 8's, every beat count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...start again. Practice, practice, practice makes perfect with DJ mixing.</p>

<p>Beat for beat mixing is not easy, but when you start to get it, it comes quickly. Whilst learning try not to use the pitch controls to much (don't adjust the speed of the music) by selecting music with very similar beats. Changing pitch to the point the music sounds stupid is easy, choosing the correct mix is the challenge! When you want change beat from fast to slow, rather cut mix it, when one song ends, the other starts immediately.. also takes practice but easy to get.</p>

<p>Start off playing at friends party's for free. That way if it goes wrong, then no expectations, no money.... next! As you start getting better, people will start asking for you! When they start asking, you can start charging and making some money. Remember, this is no exact science or quick fix. It could take months to get here but persist and go for it and you might get into faster than you know.DJ'ing is a rewarding career and at the very least certainly can make some decent pocket money. Many end up in a full time career of music in one way or another.</p>

<p>You can visit our site for a wide range of DJ mixers, professional audio amplifiers and speakers to match your needs as well and to get an idea of what's out there. Visit

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Monday 3 September 2012

Are you scoring your goals? - Self Help

<p>Half way through the year is a great time to reflect and take stock of our goals and progress so far. Did you start the year full of hopes, dreams and expectations? How are these working out? It's time for a half time team talk.</p>

<p>A great business maxim is that 'what gets measured gets managed' and the same can be true of life. If you want to lose weight for example you need to know where you are now, if you intend to create more wealth, again you need to know your starting point. A vague notion of wanting to be a bit fitter or to have some more money lacks the specificity required to power your dreams.</p>

<p>The wheel of life is a popular coaching tool which enables you to examine the key areas of your life, health, finance, careers, relationships and so on. It not only measures current or intended ratings but also shows areas which are out of balance. Pick the main areas of your life and give them a current satisfaction ration form 0-10, with 10 being the highest. It's important that you be honest with yourself as this will be the launch pad towards greater success.</p>

<p>A client was experiencing some money worries and scored a 4 in Finances. Rather than becoming negative about 'only a 4', we switched energy by assessing what factors had made it a 4 rather than a 3, 2 or 1. By doing so he became grateful for his job, his ability to have a bank account, credit cards etc. Even though he may have wanted more, being firstly aware and secondly appreciative of the current position is an important starting point.</p>

<p>Setting clear and effective goals is a great way of putting your request into the universe. Almost immediately, via your brain's Reticular Activating System, you will begin to notice new opportunities and resources to help achieve your goals.</p>

<p>Something important to consider is how the goal makes you feel. If setting a goal to lose 20lbs or 10kg makes you feel dispirited then perhaps a smaller goal like 5lbs would be a more motivational place to start. Law of attraction teachers tell us that desire plus emotion plus action equal s results. Therefore your goal should feel possible, even if you are not sure exactly how it will be achieved.</p>

<p>"You do not need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step in faith" Martin Luther King Jr.</p>

<p>Other great tools in achieving your goals are the use of affirmations and visualisations. By mentally rehearsing having already succeeded you are training your subconscious mind to go to work on your behalf. </p>

<p>Regular use of positive, empowering, present tense affirmations, such as "I am feeling fit and healthy at my ideal weight of xyz", will condition your brain to support your goal.</p>

<p>Visualisations help because the brain works in images. Find a picture of the former slimmer you and put it on the fridge or next to your bed. Perhaps use an image from a magazine, but remember to consider how it makes you feel. If you chose a 'perfect' model type figure, does that inspire you or depress you into the biscuit tin? </p>

<p>Finally reward yourself for your progress. Follow these simple steps:-</p>

<p> Measure Set goals Take action Review Reward. </p>

<p>The reward will enable your brain to associate pleasure with the progress towards your goal, which in turn, will make even more progress come quickly and easily.

<br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

Sunday 2 September 2012

Talking cash with your teens - Finance

<p>Let's face it, long attention spans and teenagers are not often used in the same sentence. When talking to your teens about money something short and to the point might just help get the message across. The acronym CASH can help teens and young people understand key concepts around money.</p>

<p> C - Credit. There is a difference between good and bad credit. Loans to buy assets, such as a home, investment property or business can be good, while consumer debt, holidays and spending on toys are not. The mantra that all credit is bad is not helpful as it is not a black and white issue. Explain the differences between good and bad credit and encourage children to understand the importance of considering the total cost of a credit purchase rather than just the monthly payment.</p>

<p>The shiny gadget or car may seem affordable month by month, but taking a 5 year loan to pay for a computer that may only last 3 years is bad business.</p>

<p> A - Assets. Things that can generate additional income. Encourage young people to understand early that building assets, whether property, stocks or their own business ventures can give them additional income and financial security. The passive income they generate may eventually allow them the freedom to pursue their own life choices.</p>

<p>A proven strategy for wealth is to avoid the short term lure of consumer debt and instead put away some regular money to start to build an asset base.</p>

<p>S - Saving. Studies of American millionaires, published in the bestselling Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J Stanley and William D Danko revealed a large proportion of millionaires became rich by spending less than they earned and saving the rest. Compound interest was described by Einstein as one of the wonders of the world. </p>

<p>Encourage a savings habit early by setting an example and it may become second nature. A prominently placed jar of coins for change can be used for a family trip or night out. Also investigate savings options that may return more interest than savings deposited at the bank. This may lead to risk versus reward discussions.</p>

<p> H - Hard work is not the only way to be wealthy. Many people work extremely hard, for long hours, for little pay. Do billionaires such as Donald Trump or Richard Branson work harder than an inner city school teacher, labourer or factory worker? Not necessarily. Mega successful people have often put in years of effort to bring them to the point where they are seen today. Everyone has the same number of hours available in the day; it's up to them how they utilise them. If young people are encouraged to develop their talents, passions and natural abilities then work can become play. They can also earn a passive income from some of the Assets discussed earlier.</p>

<p>Having a fixed belief that money only comes from hard work may actually have a detrimental effect on wealth creation. Beliefs are lodged in the subconscious part of our minds which run automatic filters on what we pay attention to. If your filters screen out money making opportunities that don't fit the model of requiring 'hard work' then you may be missing out.</p>

<p>Use the CASH approach as a starting point to talk to your teens about money and you may be pleasantly surprised at their receptiveness. Whereas teenagers and long attention spans are not a natural fit, there aren't many teens who will not want to talk about cash.Daniel Britton is an international speaker on financial education and author of the popular Financial Fairy Tales series - </p>

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