Monday 3 September 2012

Are you scoring your goals? - Self Help

<p>Half way through the year is a great time to reflect and take stock of our goals and progress so far. Did you start the year full of hopes, dreams and expectations? How are these working out? It's time for a half time team talk.</p>

<p>A great business maxim is that 'what gets measured gets managed' and the same can be true of life. If you want to lose weight for example you need to know where you are now, if you intend to create more wealth, again you need to know your starting point. A vague notion of wanting to be a bit fitter or to have some more money lacks the specificity required to power your dreams.</p>

<p>The wheel of life is a popular coaching tool which enables you to examine the key areas of your life, health, finance, careers, relationships and so on. It not only measures current or intended ratings but also shows areas which are out of balance. Pick the main areas of your life and give them a current satisfaction ration form 0-10, with 10 being the highest. It's important that you be honest with yourself as this will be the launch pad towards greater success.</p>

<p>A client was experiencing some money worries and scored a 4 in Finances. Rather than becoming negative about 'only a 4', we switched energy by assessing what factors had made it a 4 rather than a 3, 2 or 1. By doing so he became grateful for his job, his ability to have a bank account, credit cards etc. Even though he may have wanted more, being firstly aware and secondly appreciative of the current position is an important starting point.</p>

<p>Setting clear and effective goals is a great way of putting your request into the universe. Almost immediately, via your brain's Reticular Activating System, you will begin to notice new opportunities and resources to help achieve your goals.</p>

<p>Something important to consider is how the goal makes you feel. If setting a goal to lose 20lbs or 10kg makes you feel dispirited then perhaps a smaller goal like 5lbs would be a more motivational place to start. Law of attraction teachers tell us that desire plus emotion plus action equal s results. Therefore your goal should feel possible, even if you are not sure exactly how it will be achieved.</p>

<p>"You do not need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step in faith" Martin Luther King Jr.</p>

<p>Other great tools in achieving your goals are the use of affirmations and visualisations. By mentally rehearsing having already succeeded you are training your subconscious mind to go to work on your behalf. </p>

<p>Regular use of positive, empowering, present tense affirmations, such as "I am feeling fit and healthy at my ideal weight of xyz", will condition your brain to support your goal.</p>

<p>Visualisations help because the brain works in images. Find a picture of the former slimmer you and put it on the fridge or next to your bed. Perhaps use an image from a magazine, but remember to consider how it makes you feel. If you chose a 'perfect' model type figure, does that inspire you or depress you into the biscuit tin? </p>

<p>Finally reward yourself for your progress. Follow these simple steps:-</p>

<p> Measure Set goals Take action Review Reward. </p>

<p>The reward will enable your brain to associate pleasure with the progress towards your goal, which in turn, will make even more progress come quickly and easily.

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