Monday 1 October 2012

How to Reach Your Audience When Consumers are Revolting Against Traditional Marketing - Marketing - Social Marketing

<p>We could all learn from the 2008 Democratic presidential campaign there President Barack Obama faced Hilary Clinton and knew he could not compete with Hillary Clinton financially. Instead of the traditional telemarketing and direct mail campaigns or TV and radio advertising, he made new rules. President Obama had a team to help with blogging and he created profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.</p>

<p>Another smart thing he did was hire co-founder of Facebook Chris Hughes to be his internet strategist. This is how he won the Democratic presidential nomination without spending as much money as his opponent.</p>

<p>At the time of the election, President Obama had five million fans on Facebook, which was over four million more than Hillary Clinton. On Twitter, he had well over 100,000 followers with his opponent having had about 5,000. On MySpace, the numbers ranged around 800,000 to Hillary Clinton's 200,000.</p>

<p>While I am not trying to turn this blog into a political preference, but am saying that we could all learn in our own businesses how to become successful marketers through this successful campaign strategy. </p>

<p>All this was done just by following the principles of inbound marketing. If you are marketing your business the old-fashioned way, you're using Outbound Marketing strategies and techniques. Outbound Marketing is the method of throwing your business into the public arena and hoping the "right people" see it and listen to it. Inbound marketing on the other hand is creating a message that only the right target audience would be interested in, and then helping them stumble upon it.</p>

<p>If you are having trouble seeing and relating to the difference, consider this</p>

<p>Outbound marketing - A great example is the 2012 Lexus LFA commercial during the Super Bowl. They probably spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to advertise during the Super Bowl when only a tiny fraction of that audience would qualify financially for their vehicles.</p>

<p>Inbound marketing - The 2012 Lexus LFA could help people who have the income and desire for their vehicles by blogging, posting a video on YouTube and direct to their website through lead generation channels for qualified future customers.</p>

<p>Both Consumers and Existing Customers are Revolting against In-Your-Face Marketing.</p>

<p>Did you wake up today and want to have someone just "drop in" your office while you are busy at work to sell to you? Many consumers are fed up with traditional marketing techniques and want to avoid so much interruption throughout the day. They have turned their collective backs on traditional advertising and are looking to friends and family members for advice instead. Consumers know any ad they see is just a sales pitch and probably don't even need whatever is being advertised. </p>

<p>However, when they do need a product and/or service, they know their friends and families can help provide them with unbiased testimonials about the products and/or services they like. Tapping into those conversations is one of the new rules of marketing for businesses today.</p>

<p>With all the spam-blockers for emails, TiVo and Mute buttons, getting found doesn't mean spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a prime-time commercial that many viewers will mute or fast forward to avoid. Just like putting on an online banner ad for a product that is targeted for an audience of 40+ will not work if put in front of a 21 year old.</p>

<p>Getting found online means writing extensively how your solution to someone else's problem will work for that target audience. Write to help people with a problem find your online documents. When moving from outbound to inbound marketing, you need to stop interrupting people within your target market and instead "get found" by them.Market in a Way that People Search for Information.</p>

<p>Do your due diligence research and read and really listen to the way others are shopping for similar products. According to Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, authors of Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs, "To be successful and grow your business and revenues, you must match the way you market your products with the way your products learn about and shop for your products." Interruption based marketing is coming to an end due to people becoming much more efficient at blocking out traditional methods of marketing and they are becoming equally efficient at finding trusted information online.</p>

<p>You no longer need to spend a lot of money interrupting potential customers and instead you need to create remarkable content, optimize the content, publish the content, market that content, and measure what is working and what is not working. Becoming a savvy inbound marketer is half traditional marketer and half content creation marketer.</p>

<p>According to Halligan and Shah, "On average, inbound marketing leads are 61 percent less expensive than Outbound Marketing leads."So take a tip from the Democratic election campaign of Barack Obama and cut your marketing bill in half and start a conversation with your customers! </p>

<p>DJ Heckes, CEO & AuthorEXHIB-IT! Tradeshow Marketing Experts BRAIN Marketing</p>


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