Thursday 21 June 2012

Retreat in Silence - Self Help

<p>An annual retreat comes highly recommended by me and I take them myself. I find that it keeps me freshly inspired and clear about my own goals and successes. Here is how I craft them and please feel free to use my three steps to create one for yourself. It's a truly remarkable experience.</p>

<p>First, I plan ahead. What location will heighten my experience? For me, it's the Oregon Coast. My long time readers know that I am fascinated by oceans and coastlines; perhaps my Midwest youth left me yearning for their scents and physical pull. I've written about the magic of the Hawaiian, Mexican, Caribbean and Jersey shores.</p>

<p>The Oregon coast pries a piece of my heart open and makes me feel alive. Time spent in my mother's assisted-living home teaches me it's vital that we devote time to open our hearts in our fast-paced world. Otherwise, it's quite possible to harden it for good.</p>

<p>If an ocean is not at hand, how else can you open your heart? The laughter of children playing in a swimming pool; being in the presence of the love of your life;; reveling in the glorious natural beauty all around you; seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. Stimulants are all around you. You can decide what unlocks your soul.</p>

<p>Second, I plan the materials that will support this process. I select books, my journal, a side tablet, books on CD, soft clothing, a favorite blanket and pillow. Now I am ready.</p>

<p>From the time I get in the car, I enjoy creating my own private environment. No radio, news, DJ humor or loud music. There is time elsewhere in my life for this.</p>

<p>I find it fascinating that on the way to my destination, it's fun to enjoy an intriguing book on CD - something pertaining to my current quest. On the way home, I enjoy utter silence. I have no desire for outside influence in any form.</p>

<p>Because I set up the environment to support me, because I am honoring my mind-expanding values, by the time I arrive at the retreat location, I'm totally relaxed. Traffic or weather challenges have no power over my essence. I am in charge.</p>

<p>Third - Prior to reaching my destination, I've picked up weekend essentialssimple foods, beverages and, of course, flowers to brighten my room. The journey doesn't begin now; it began the moment I left my home.</p>

<p>I can enjoy the balance of the weekend as I prefer. Moment by moment, I choose whether to walk on the beach for hours upon hours, journal for entire day, read passages that have special meaning to me here and now, or finally get to that book that's been calling to me.</p>

<p>The side tablet is for anything that consumes my mind yet doesn't belong in my journallists of items, business ideas. I believe it important to have that side tablet for anything that distracts me from enjoying the moments I am creating.</p>

<p>The results speak for themselves: tranquility, keen insights, and a clear focus on what you consider most important. I urge you to schedule a silent retreat in any form, even if it's for an afternoon. There is nothing like it to gain perspective and release anything that does not honor your existence. Inspire yourself. Schedule it today. Let me know how it goes.</p>

<p>Enjoy your discoveries.

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