Monday 3 June 2013

iTunes Delete Duplicate Songs For My Friend The DJ's iTunes Library

<p><a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/1660972']);" href="/iTunes_Delete_Duplicates">iTunes delete duplicate songs</a> for my friend the DJ's iTunes Library. This is my probably the best program for this task that I have seen, and we have tried a lot of programs.</p> <p>So, you are sick of your iTunes library being pretty much useless?</p> <p>We <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/1660972']);" href="/iTunes_Delete_Duplicates">use a program called TidySongs</a> to fix up the library in our iTunes account. It is easy to say that because all of the other programs that we uses just don't do the trick. I have spent days trying to find a program that will automatically delete duplicate songs from our iTunes library. This program isn't like the others though.</p>
<p>Why isn't this program like other programs?</p> <p>So, we all know that there is a pretty easy way to <strong>iTunes delete duplicate songs </strong>without buying some program that will do it automatically do it for you. But being as we are DJ's this can come to take up most of out time, and we would rather spend the time perfecting out craft, rather then deleting duplicate songs manually.</p> <p>So how long does it take us to go through our whole library?</p> <p>This program does a lot more then just deletes duplicate songs for us.</p> <p>It does way more, we just press a button and away it goes, it fills in missing album information, which as a DJ I promise you is a very helpful little tool. It fills in missing information in the song name, so you won't have trouble finding music anymore, or trying to guess which "track" is which song. ( which annoys me sooooo much! I hate it when iTunes calls a song 'Track'!!! ) And when it is automatically deleting duplicates from iTu
nes, it is deleting the worst copy, which is something that I can't do because it would just simply take way to long.</p> <p>So <strong>iTunes delete duplicate songs</strong> might be the solution you are looking for, but you are getting a way better tool as well!</p> <p>Here is a link where you can go to learn more about iTunes delete duplicate songs: /iTunes_Delete_Duplicates</p><br><br><br><br><a href="">iAutoblog</a> the premier <a href="">autoblogger</a> software

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